Baby lineolated parakeet


New member
Sep 29, 2013
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Just sharing this cutie. He's an only child. Obviously I don't actually know that it's a he yet.

NNNNNNAAAAAAWWWWW!!!!! Now that is some major cuteness overload right there. What a GREAT looking baby!!! :smile015:
How precious! Look at that sweet little face!
Adorable mini gargoyle :
Oh!! So adorable :). Is Pippin and Buttercup the parents?
No, I paired Buttercup with a new male that we call The Green Thing
TGT is split to ino so eventually I'm hoping for a lutino chick
Well the Green Thing and Miss Buttercup sure made a precious baby!!
I just want to cuddle that sweetheart:)
Oh my gosh! So so cute! :D
Aww, I love the babies!
The Green Thing LOL!!! :D I LOVE the name! I take it he's.... Green? But what 'kind' of green?

So I guess Linnie's are not pair bond birds! Probably explains why they aren't a cuddly species?
The Green Thing LOL!!! :D I LOVE the name! I take it he's.... Green? But what 'kind' of green?

So I guess Linnie's are not pair bond birds! Probably explains why they aren't a cuddly species?

He's a natural wild color, not greywing and no dark factors. He is split to ino and possibly turquoise though so he can throw lots of colors. If they have a lutino next time I'll pair her with Pippin just because I love the lutino.
Awww!! So cute. My breeders daughter thinks baby birds look like prehistoric dinosours... now that's what I see too. Haha

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