Baby green cheeked conures hatched


New member
Nov 17, 2014
Pair of Jenday conures, pair of green cheeked conures and a pet yellow sided GCC
Hello guys I'm new to this forum and I have question to be answered. After the chicks are 2or 3 weeks old is it okay to handle them out of there breeding box and then put them back will there mother reject them, the parents are in an Aviary and therefore are not tame. I am thinking of getting them used to hands and tame when they are young and then when they are 7 weeks I think taking them out or when they get out of the box. Will I need to feed the mother any different foods when the baby's are hatch . Two baby's have hatched so far....
Thanks :rainbow1: :green2: :green1::orange:
I dont have any answers, but i would love to hear how this goes for you and see pictures along the way :) congradulations on your new babies.
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Thanks and I will!
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Any please I need help can I take the bird out of the breeding box to hold them and then put them back in.
Help much appreciated
I am surprised you are not getting more help on this topic. I will offer my thoughts, mind you I have never tried this. If it was me I think I would try handling the babies and replacing them, after the parents have had time to bond with the babies. I feel like you will just have to see how the parents resond. I would think it is a case by case basis Some parents being ok with it and others not so much. If it does not work and the parents reject the babies you will have to hand feed, but that is good for the bonding and sale of the babies. Are you planning to sale the babies as pets? Have you had any more hatch or still just the two?
If the parents are wild they may abandon their chicks if you take them out and put them back in, you could try doing this and watch closely to see if they are still feeding them. Have you handfed babies before? If they abandon them it would be up to you to intervene and "pull" them for handfeeding.
I have taken babies out of the nest box to examine them. I have never had a problem doing so but if your wanting to take the chicks out for long periods of time then they may abandon them. Only take them out of the box for a few minutes each time. Do not take them out constantly throughout the day. Do not take the babies out permanently until they are fully weaned unless you plan to learn to hand feed them. Also make sure to block the nest box hole so the parents don't realize their chicks are gone. Give the parents plenty of soft foods and leafy greens. I feed mine Mashed hard boiled eggs mixed with kale, corn, carots, peas, oats, ext... You can add different stuff to it as long as it is bird safe.
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Is it okay to hold them once a day just to get them friendly? Like you said and I have an avary so i would be inside the avary next to the breeding box holding them. Can they smell the scent from you hand and abandon them, or will it be okay like you said.
Thanks for all the comments much appreciated! They now hVe four chicks there is one more egg! And when is it okay to start holding them.
Parrots (and most birds) don't have a very good sense of smell, they mostly rely on sight. So taking the babies out and getting your scent on them won't make them abandon them. Just make sure you only take them out once a day, when the parents are out eating or something, and only for about 5-10 minutes. I wouldn't go any longer than that though just to be safe.

I took my 3 babies out every couple days or so (was going to everyday but couldn't) since they hatched (just have to be very careful with the little tiny fluffs) and the parrents always rushed in to make sure they were there and pretty much fed them right away after I let them back into the box. I put in a small nest box cam to monitor them too though and even though the stupid thing wouldn't stay were I stuck it, they still took care of the babies.
I'd say the only reason they would stop caring for them is if you removed most or all the babies for longer than a day and then tried to put them back.
What if you only remove one or two babies at a time. Took them all the way out of the avary to interact with them a few min then returned them to the nest and took out another one or two. This way the parents would not see you standing their hands in the nest box the whole time. As far as when to start, I think I would do it in baby steps. Start today, just go out and stand next to the nest box for a couple of seconds a few times a day. Once the parents get used to that, stand there a little longer each time, then open the box and touch the babies, but do not remove them. After a few days start removing babies. Parrots seem to respond well when you go slow and let them get used to one small step at a time. Good luck!
Congrats on two more babies, hopfuly that last egg hatches, five babies would be awsome. What are you planning to do with the babies.
It is ok to remove chicks out for observation!!! The parents rarely abandon chicks once hatched, even the wild birds. Only very few will abandon them. If you don't intend on hand feeding and prefer the parents to do the rearing, you still need to handle the chicks on a daily basis so they get the hang of being held. Otherwise they will be terrified of hands. But always be on the look out just in case they're not feeding them or not doing a good job at raising them, then you will have no choice and to remove them to hand feed. So have hand feeding formula as a backup at all times if you have chicks.
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Yer I am going to keep one for my self and sell the rest!
Where are you located Danrox? Is the one you keep going to be a pet or another avary bird? Have you started trying to handle the babies yet?
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Okay the oldest one is about 10days old and the last egg should hatch today. I live In Sunbury, Melbourne, Vic. I am going to handle them in the nest box and take them out when they are fully weaned by the parents, so that I can train them inside my house, they will be tAme inside birds.
Sound like a good plan. is it normal to have a ten day variance in hatch days? Darn it! If you where closer (a lot closer) I would love to buy one from you, but i am sure you will find great homes for them.
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There are the little baby's five of them have hatched!:rainbow1:
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Hi guys I'm just wondering when to take the baby's away from there parents will they all come out of the box at the same time or will they come out one by one and if they do come out one by one do I bring those ones inside to tame them furthermore or do I leave them and wait for all of them to come out and eat seed, also how do I know that the parents are finished with them and not feeding them any more.
Cheers thanks heaps, help much appreciated !,!,!,!!

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