babbling on.....


New member
Jan 13, 2011
ok my on, off relationship with the nut is all going rather spiffingly....:D

when her fav person is at home, ie my man :mad: she is all over him like a bad rash, so like the jealous wife, i leave them to it..... ( and slink of into my corner:()

but as my man has been working crazy hours, nothing to do with me, may i add! my nut is ALL mine!!! :09:

we have come to a point where we read each other, i got home today from a breakfast shift, we had a bit of lunch and nut sat on the sofa arm, why cos she knew i was goin to take my nap :p so i laid down to nap, my son, so as not to be left out laid next to me an all 3 of us snoozed to G.I Joe dvd (bliss) after the white rat incident, i did not rub cal's head should nut try throwing him off the sofa!!

also i was granted 15seconds of parrot talk at work today from a work mate in exchange for a sausage roll! she is making my life soo much better lol ppl are now giving me treats to keep me quiet!!! :32:

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