Hi I have a blue and gold macaw who is coming up to 6 months old now. I've had her from 3 months.she's got the biggest indoor cage I could find. loads of toys and home made toys. But the hardest things is when she is out, she only seems to want to get to me even if I've spent over an hour with her playing, stroking and cuddling. And teaching her to speak. She says hello and waves which I've taught her. But does not want to do anything else when she's out like play on her stand. And am finding her aliitle disabeant when comes to step and step down. I'm being more assertive now. But any advice as even when I walk out the room she fly's out to me or squarks very loud which is not a problem I knew that when I got her. As thinking as it just me and her most of the time she got obsessive attachment?