Awesome day with Lexi!


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Middle TN
I reached out for help a week ago because I just got a baby Senegal and was totally lost as to how to work with her and make friends with her.

Thanks to the awesome people on this forum in a weeks time I have a new best friend!

I cannot believe the progress I made in just one week, but so many major break-throughs occurred in just one DAY!!

I have been taking Lexi out regularly (with a perch) and letting her just hang out on the play tree. I have been eating around her and offering her foods. She would occasionally take it from my hand but more often I would leave it near her and she would go get it right away. This has been happening all week. Yesterday she came close to me but backed away.

So today I was eating something crunchy and made a big ordeal of it and I could tell she was just dying to get a bite! So I offered it to her and she took it from my hand but dropped it. So I held it for her. She went for my fingers and I thought, oh no she is going to bite me, but I rembered that if I showed fear of her she wouldn't be able to trust me.

Turns out she was just using her beak to steady herself and stepped up on me!!! From there it was like we had an instant bond. Not only did she step up on me but she hung out on me for hours! She checked out my face and hands with her beak, very gently. She preened my eyelashes. We ate. We napped. And she let me pet her!! She apparently loves to have her cheeks and neck rubbed. And in the process she started training me. If I stopped she would gently bite my nose to get me to do it again. Of course I did :p

She pressed her little face into my face and we just cuddled away!

Sorry for the long novel I am just soooo happy because a week ago I thought my bird hated me and I was so lost as to what to do.

Again, I sincerely appreciate the help. Especially god61021, you gave me hope when I was thinking of giving up. Your advice was spot on. I did what you said and the results were so much quicker than I anticipated.

Turns out she wanted to be my friend as much as I wanted to be hers :D
Yay! I'm so glad things are working out!
What a wonderful update! I am so happy for both of you. Sounds like you have an incredible bond forming :)
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Thought I would share some pictures from today :)
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