Aviator Harness--Teensy Tinesy Head Loop?


New member
Mar 8, 2015
Does anyone else feel like the head loop on the Aviator harness is SO teeny tiny (I have the Extra-Small)? I have the one meant for Quakers, but I can't imagine my guy willingly putting his head through that thing. He will get his beak in, touch the target stick, then pull it back out. I don't see how his head can fit in without it dragging on his eyes, though I bought the harness meant for Quakers. I am wondering if I should get a size up, at least to practice. I just don't know how to get past the step we are at, where he will stick his head in just enough to touch the stick then jerk it back out. If I hold the stick farther away, he will walk away rather than try and get it. I've also tried holding a nutriberri for him to munch on and slowly pulling the harness over his head, but he hole is too small to do it without him noticing. Man, I know you can't rush this stuff, but I hate being stuck on a plateau. I really want to take him outside in this short time where the Texas weather is beautiful, but it may not happen. I wish I had someone who has harnessed trained a bird before to help me!!!
If you watch the video, the man shows you how to train the bird using your fingers to get used to something touching his eyes. If the hole were bigger, it would not be safer I know it seems small, but do not go one size up. Just be patient and train your bird to let things touch his eyes. That's what took me the longest with Flick, but it is worth it!
I got the petite aviator harness for my green cheek and felt the same thing you do but after a short while I was able to get Mozzie to put his head through the loop for a treat. We are now working on not eating the harness when it's on.
I find that if the harness is on it is a good idea to keep the mind occupied :) mine like pet stores and walks and car rides, and tend to only Che the harness when they are not distracted by something else.
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Yeah we have trained with my fingers around his neck and such, he just does not trust that harness loop. I wonder if I should have gotten a duller color than red. I will just be patient. I know it can take months and we haven't even been practicing for one month yet. It's just hard to be patient when it is soooo gorgeous outside! But I take him out to sit in his carrier sometimes, so at least there is that. This summer I am going to get my father to build me an aviary that my birds can go into on nice days and enjoy the sunlight!
It is sooooooo hard! Lol it took me six months to get the harness on Flick. I used black though, it could be the color. Do you leave it near his cage when not working with it? That might help, especially if it is near his favorite spots.
I have the petite one for Kiwiberry, my GCC, although I haven't got her head through it yet, starting with the wing bit, but it looks so so small!
The hardest part is adjusting it because it's so small....but once it's on and you are adjusting it it seems like it is huge! Lol
I bought a petite for my gcc, but use it with my tiel a lot. Your bird doesn't put his head through that thing - you put it on him! :D It's like dressing your kid in a hoodie. The loop is small, but it makes your bird secure in it. I watched that video several times and never had any problems with putting it on, but my gcc was too restless in the harness so I used it with my tiel. If your bird doesn't bite it's easy to do. :D For me taking the harness off their head is more of a challenge.
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I don't want to make him hate it forever by just shoving it on. I want him to accept it first.
Yeah same here, I do it on her terms but still push her a little bit.
She'll wear toilet paper so I'm sure she'll get used to the harness soon enough!

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