Average weight for a Kakariki


New member
Apr 5, 2019
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I was wondering what the average weight for my Kakariki is. He is only around 12 weeks old and I could only get a rough weight as he wouldn't stand still on the scales. His weight is between 55 & 65 grams. I am only asking as we know he has gotten bigger since being with us but he is a little sick, being treated with antibiotics & mite spray as the vet is unsure if he has rhinitis or mites or both. I took him in as soon as I noticed "little signs" as I had read all the forums here about birds hiding symptoms, and didn't want to wait until he was too sick. He is still active, vocal and cheeky most days.
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Sorry, but 55 tot 65 grams is a huge difference (10 grams out of 50 or 60) so a very unclear measurement to work with.

You need a better vet!
Any vet (even an ordinairy dog&cat one) should be able to discern between mites and some kind of nasal reaction.


Mites can be found bij scraping the surface/ even inside the 'nostrils' of a bird, they are tiny animals so they show up under a microscope.

Rhinitis is a condition induced bij either a virus, bacteria, allergies and/or particles... so treating this with antibiotics is gambling in the dark!
Antibiotics only help when there is a bacterie there, it does not do anything against any virus, dust, allergens etc.etc. and even so you need the right type of antibiotics with a certain type of bacteria -> they are not a fix-all. So your vet needs to do a culture / grow that stuf in a petri-dish and decide if and what type of bateria are present and then use the right antibiotics.

It is not rocket-science, just common sense with a little bit of Sherlock Holmes ;)

Try and get hold of some birdy-probiotics.
Antibiotics kill of usefull gutbacteria as well --- and those the bird needs for his digestion as well as the imunesystem!
So always feed your bird probiotics when he is on anti-biotics and some time after that as well.
(Some people give the bird probiotics all the time, that is fine too.)

Just make sure the space where your bird lives is as dustfree as you can make it (in case of allergic reaction) and try to find a CAV.
Thank you Christa. My hubby doesn't think anything is wrong with Matey. But he is still sneezing and rubbing his face on everything. He hasn't lost anymore of the feathers between his nostrils and is scratching a lot less. Dust free is almost impossible for our house as we live in an old Queenslander with gaps everywhere but I do keep his cage area very clean. I have been told the is an avian vet in another town, it's about an hours drive away so we may have to try and get an appointment with him. I am also going to ring another one I know of that is several hours away as they have a bird sanctuary there and sees what they say also.

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