Attacking Pionus


New member
Apr 8, 2014
Near Niagara Falls ,NY
gold capped conure,
white capped pionus,
Pallid green Quaker
Long story how I got this white capped pionus. I took him sight unseen at about the age of 7 yrs . When he was delivered I was assured he loved women and hated men. Well after the introductory period, my husband got cuddles and I got a bite that left me standing in a pool of blood (I kid you not) I don't give up on birds and after several years Tucson tolerated me. He was a bit odd but he tolerated me. He hated T shirts with figures on them that had eyes. so I learned to cover them up . He let me pet him and handle him and even take him to the vet when he picked up some kind of an infection.

Five years ago my husband passed away. I think Tucson blamed me for his disappearance. I had to start winning him all over . All has been well for the past few years . For the past month or so he has been trying to attack me. I can barely open his feed doors. to feed him. I figured out He didn't like my long sleeved shirt so I push up the sleeves and he's apprehensive but acts much better.

I've had this bird for 14 years and he still doesn't trust me. I have always suspected he was abused in his former home by the way he acts but that was a very long time ago. Could hormones out of whack cause this attacking behavior? He goes into a frenzy when I approach the cage. He attacks everything in the cage and rips his toys apart. I need some input. Nothing has changed. I haven't even changed my hair. The room is the same. My other birds(all males) are fine except maybe a little bit in breeding mode.

Sounds like he's cage territorial.

Amazons and Pionus behaviors are very similar. So becoming territorial and bitey during hormonal periods is not all that unusual.
I agree with Mark (Birdman). If male, Pionus can be pretty territorial over their cage or belongings especially when the hormones flare up.

I'm very sorry to hear about your husband. I don't think the bird blames you, but it sounds like he was his favorite person. Does he act this way with you away from the cage too? Give a calm, nice vibe to him and talk sweetly. Kiss his butt so to speak lol. Offer favorite treats by hand. Let him know you genuinely want to get to know him, but don't push. It must be his decision to come closer. That's the way Pi's are.. they know who their favorite is and who isn't. Can he step up on a stick? That will save your fingers!
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Thank you Julie And Mark. I kind of knew what the answers would be, I just needed reassurance. His attack mode is something fierce Now that I have some confirmation I can change my tactics a bit.

Julie ,he will take treats but that doesn't change his attitude toward me. That bird just honestly doesn't like me. At his very best he tolerates me because he doesn't have anyplace else to go. My birds stay in a room dedicated to them. Should he end up away from his cage he will allow me to pick him up until he is close enough to his cage to fly to it. He is the only bird I can trust unsupervised . Any of the others will chew woodwork. I agree he is cage territorial. Funny when I had him to the vet a few months back, they said he was an angel and they had no problems with him when they drew blood etc.

Mark ,I remember you from that other forum that went down. I was glad to see you here because I knew I'd get a good answer.

I hear you. Raven my Bronze Winged male prefers his dad better than me. He can pick Raven right up, and never acts territorial to him the way he does to me (and he's MY bird, not really "ours"). I MUST offer a seed in order for Raven to step up for me most of the time (unless I get the stick)! He has ME trained. He likes me a bit better now than he did at first. From the moment I first got him shipped, he stepped out of the carrier and I think he was disappointed when he saw "I" was his new owner LOL! I've heard of not only Raven and your bird, but enough that I think Pi's in general are a lot like their close Amazon cousins, and are pretty stubborn with who they like best or don't like.

I can understand about the Pionus being the only bird in your flock that you can trust to not chew the woodwork behind your back. Raven is good like that too. Actually my Red Bellied parrot has been pretty good overall too, and I've had him for 21 years.
What might be a good idea to try is to have 2 cages. One cage where he sleeps only and the other where he hangs out for the day. Also, try placing the cages in different spots once a week. Might help him in not becoming accustomed to the fact that the spot is his and to defend that territory. You are very patient and I salute you for that. Many would have given up by now. Kudos to you. Good luck. If I think of anything else that might help I will let you know. My advice comes from word of mouth rather than from personal experience. Happy new year!
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Thanks Suki. Two cages is not practical in my situation . I never thought about switching the cages position . I'll try it this week end.

The more I concentrate on this bird's quirks, I am rapidly coming to the conclusion it's my clothes he hates . Long sleeves send him into a frenzy.He never ever talks but one day last year when he was particularly agitated he screamed out "Stop it. Stop it . You're hurting her !!!" So this sounds to me like a dysfunctional home he has never forgotten after all these years.

I'm not really that patient. I'm stubborn. I'll make that bird like me or else. The or else will probably involve me going to the ER with a severed artery LOL

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