Are your birds poops watery in the morning?


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Kiwi has been seeming to have 2-part poops the first one or two times he goes in the morning. The green feces and white urates are normal looking but come out separately from the water. Subsequent poops throughout the day are totally normal, healthy looking poops with all 3 parts coming out in unison like they should.

Basically, it seems like he will pass one or 2 poops in the morning that are just green & white and very small/dry. Then he will pass one immediately after (within 2 or 3 minutes) that is just water/clear fluid (no green or white). No blood, undigested food, bubbles or anything else terrifying, so I'm not thinking it's harmful, but I'm wondering why it's happening. It is only the first few poops of the day, by 10am they are completely, 100% normal again. He's also eating fine, not acting abnormal (well, for Kiwi anyways), full of energy and piss and vinegar..... Just not seeming sick. Anyone else have a bird who has funny poops like this in the morning?

P.S. This has been happening for about a month, maybe longer since I didn't really start noticing/worrying about it until I notice it happened a couple times and began paranoid observation of his ever poop. He has not lost or gained weight (still his normal 415-420 grams) and hasn't has any changes in his diet or water exposure recently.
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it could be lack of water ingestion through the night. the 3 parts of bird poop, as im sure ou know, is the feces, the urates (which he is doing) and then the urine will vary greatly depending on how much or often Kiwi is drinking water
I'm definitely NOT saying it's this, but Robin does a separate water type of poop (he pees haha) because he is a Kidney patient... He's managed on special pellets and has "nice" poops now, but he still pees sometimes which I think is normal for his condition. He's been on a good diet all his life, but the vet says it's common in older birds. I know Kiwi is not old at all for an Amazon.

Robin started doing it about 6 months ago, and his blood panel then showed normal kidney values. Now 6 months later it revealed reduced kidney function. Not saying it's anything with Kiwi, but since it just started happening and no other symptoms, I wouldn't worry. If it keeps up, and you're curious, I'd get a blood panel just for your peace of mind :)
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Kiwi's last blood panel (October 2013) came back normal, as did his fecal exam. We have no idea what he ate before us, but for a solid 4 years now, he has eaten a really healthy diet (took a long time to get him on a healthy diet, so he probably wasn't given the best in his past). I do know he was slightly malnourished/underweight when we first got him, but he also had an infection, was scared to death of fruit and veg, and I'm sure was stressed from the change. That was then, every vet or bird person he's seen since can't say enough about how healthy he is. Since he seems otherwise healthy, I think I will just keep watching for the minute. It just strikes me as odd since I've never seen it before.

Also, after thinking about it a little more, he has been eating more of the fresh produce and less of his cooked mix/seed lately, so I went out today and bought 2 new kinds of cooked foods to add to his current 'menu' :) He's been eating the same food day in, day out for years, so maybe he just wants something different. He CERTAINLY has NOT had any decrease in appetite. Make no mistakes about it, he has been eating (like the ravenous beast he is) and remained in a healthy, normal weight range. But I suppose I would get tired of plain, cooked grains all the time too. We also started giving the cooked food 2x a day instead of seed in the morning/cooked in the evening, and he only gets seed during the day (which he doesn't eat a lot of because he's full). That started a couple months ago because I was not happy with a new seed mix I got and the regular brand he ate was having some kind of potential contamination issues. So, he has been eating more wet food, but it's not like he went from all dry to all moist. I'm hoping he likes the 2 new cooked foods I found, because they weren't cheap:eek: The lady at the store said one has an oatmeal-like texture, so I may add some oats to bulk it up and feed it at night to see if that helps the morning poops. O Kiwi, why do you stress your mommy so :roll eyes:

Edit: I didn't get a pic of the solid part this morning, but this is the urine
Only happens the first 1-2 poops a day, and then he has perfectly normal, healthy poops for the rest of the day.
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Ok, now I am freaking out. I feel like I've never owned a bird before. Earlier in the evening he made a pretty 'normal' poop on his play stand (there is some dried poo from this AM too, and there is NOT yellow, that is from the camera flash, it is clear liquid around the poop)-

Then he ate a 'good portion' of his dinner, including one of the new foods I got him (Roudybush Italian Trail Mix, mixed in with his 'regular' Volkmans soak n simmer with a piece of broccoli and chunk of banana). Well, he didn't eat every last bite, but a 'normal' portion for him. I then put him to bed because he was getting that sleepy/anxious thing he gets before bedtime, and not 5 minutes later I hear a massive 'splat'. I woke him up to check the tray. He made THIS much water with so little poop. I am absolutely freaking out. I have NO idea if this is emergency or not-

Some color has run off the wood chips and paper below, but still, that A LOT of water to come out of a bird butt. He seems totally fine. He was watching me, making his curious noises in regards to me changing his paper a second time today so I could see what happens overnight. PLEASE tell me I am totally crazy and irrational and my poor little Kiwi isn't dying right now :17:
Parker does that all the depends on his energy level at the time. What he is doing things like me it seems he likes to do it when I have him over the carpet because it's harder to
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Thanks for the reassurance Parkers mom. The birds I grew up with just made such consistent poops that never changed unless there was a obvious reason (they ate blueberries or got a bath). Kiwi's poop seems to change with the weather patterns on saturn or something. Theres seemingly no explanation for why he makes a happy poop one minute and 20 minutes later such a horrifying water poo and it scares me. In my gut, I *KNOW* I feed him a healthy diet. I *KNOW* he is not being exposed to toxic chemicals, plants, zinc ext.... I also clean everything before he gets it (like toys), and I don't bring home new birds or animals of any kind, so his risk of getting ill is so very minimal. But still, I fret and worry and obsess. I am working hard to refrain from going and waking the poor creature every 30 minutes to check his paper:(
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Well, he had pretty normal poops overnight after the one that scared me half to death. I 'bulked up' the food I fed him last night with plain oats, so I am wondering if it's possible he was just eating too much moist stuff before bed? He did like the new food (Roudybush italian trail mix), but then I noticed in big red letters "treat", so now I don't know if this is healthy to feed him at dinnertime everyday:( No indication of a suggested portion size size or how often is ok to feed. I gave him about 2tbsp of the roudybush along with his regular food (volkmans and some broccoli/banana) before I notice the 'treat' thing. I've emailed the company this morning to see how much is an acceptable amount to feed him. I'm if I gave him too much, I'm sure one time won't hurt him, but I wouldn't want to make a habit of giving him too much treats. I just wish Kiwi had normal poops that didn't fluctuate so much:(
Even with the "big splat" you dont need to panic. Some thing my pediatrician showed me when my daughter was first born, and I was freaking out about spit up, or pee, or anything kids make, is, it only looks like a lot. Take a tablespoon of water and spill it on a flat surface and it looks like much then just a tablespoon! Add in the fact of the absorbency of the newspaper, it will make it appear to be much more by spreading it throughout the paper.

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