Are Tiels Cuddely?


New member
Jun 7, 2011
Acorn - a Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure;
Bob - a Cockatiel;
Cricket - an American Budgie
Just out of curiosity are tiels generally considdered cuddely birds?

I enjoy it, but I was not expecting it when I got Bob, when he is in his cuddely mood he will sit on my shoulder and tuck himself into my neck.
It's the kind of thing that varies, bird to bird, and has a lot to do with how they were raised. I'm guessing Bob was hand-raised and socialized early, do you know his history?
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He was hand raised, and I got him shortly after he was weaned.
Like birdoftheday stated, it varies with the bird. Lily does that too, and is constantly demanding kisses and to have her head scratched. I wasn't expecting that much cuddliness at first either, especially because the person who bred lily didn't interface with the tiel baby's much at all. After a few days though, lily was the sweetest bird I've ever met.
Yes, I had a hand fed Cockatiel that I got when he was young & he liked being on my shoulder & being with me as much as he could, he would kind of snuggle into my neck too if I was sitting down...each bird is different 'tho. I believe that hand fed young parrots are the best pets.
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I think I would agree with that. Dogs are the only thing that gives any competition, but only because they are about the easiest animal to train.

I have thought about getting Bob his own pet beta, but I'm pretty sure that it would be a bad idea and so will not do it.
My two cockatiels are cuddly! Piper will take cuddles anytime... against my shirt, getting head rubs 24/7... she's a cuddlebug. Cleo likes to be cuddled but only on her terms. Tey both will take scritches almost whenever.
Cuddly, yep! I have a lutino cockatiel that I got about 4 months ago and she hadn't been handled in 2 years. A few weeks later she was sitting with us and letting me scratch her neck. If she wasn't an aviary bird, she would be a great household pet. But then, my other cockatiel I've had for about 2 months is really the opposite. Doesn't help that they're in the aviary at all.
Haha omg stephand! I had the same exact idea for the beta thing. Whenever I'm on vacation, lily stays at my boyfriends house. He has TONS of fish tanks right by lily, and she LOVES to sit on the side or top of the cage and watch the fish. I was thinking of buying just a stupid little beta so she could watch it swim around and be happy. Though I'm still afraid of the problem she might try to eat it... She does have a habit of eating everything. :)
From what I've read I think tiels definitely are considered cuddly. Everyone has said that their tiels just loved to be scratched and to snuggle. So yes I think they do
found a solution to the buying a fish thing! I just downloaded fish farm or whatever its called on my ipod touch. Lily LOVES tapping on the screen with her beek and watching the digital fish swim around. almost as good as a real fish pet!

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