Are these okay for them to eat/shred?


New member
Mar 3, 2017
Skye, Cloud, Beep, Lilac - American budgies
Ok, so recently I got these ice cream cones from TOPS. Turns out they are absolutely tasteless and they've been sitting in the box since. Today my dad gave me the idea to give it to the budgies to play with and eat, but I'm not entirely sure. I took pics of the box and ingredients. Does this look okay?

Sorry if I'm missing something obviously dangerous, I'm somewhat new to this haha. I personally am iffy about the coloring but I'm not sure. What do you think?

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The fortified vitamin part isn't great. If they are ingesting them in very small quantities, maybe it is okay as a snack/treat. I don't feed my bird fortified anything, as their pellets etc already contain added vitamins and they can O.D. on things like iron etc. There is really no nutritional value, +preservatives and potentially risky vitamins, so if you proceed, do so with caution. There is also sugar in them, and although it isn't first on the list, it isn't great.
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Ya, I would trash those without thinking twice. Artificial color, questionably "natural" flavor, heavily refined sugar, flour so processed it requires synthetic vitamins to be added back for any semblance of nutritional value to the product? Likely chocked full of GMO wheat sprinkled with a little glyphosate residue as well...

Toxic waste labeled as "food" at it's finest right there! Not safe for birds or humans IMO.
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