Are coop cups unsafe?


New member
Oct 16, 2014
Butter the Budgie
I've been looking for stainless steel food cups for a while to replace the plastic ones that came with Butter's cage. Petco had them on clearance for a dollar each so I decided to grab a couple of them. When I unscrewed the wingnut I noticed it was covered in oil. Like that black stuff people use to lubricate screws. I was kinda shocked that someone would actually put that on a product made for animals. And also I tried washing it off but it wouldn't come off and ended up irritating my skin. So the question is: are they unsafe?
I wouldn't risk using it until the oil was off of it.

I'd soak it overnight with a ton of dishwashing liquid in it...

Then put it through the dishwasher again for good measure.

Any kind of machine oil would be potentially toxic if ingested!!!
Interesting I use the crocks as extra water etc and have never found oil on mine.
I've been looking for stainless steel food cups for a while to replace the plastic ones that came with Butter's cage. Petco had them on clearance for a dollar each so I decided to grab a couple of them. When I unscrewed the wingnut I noticed it was covered in oil. Like that black stuff people use to lubricate screws. I was kinda shocked that someone would actually put that on a product made for animals. And also I tried washing it off but it wouldn't come off and ended up irritating my skin. So the question is: are they unsafe?

Eww that's gross... I have two from the same place (wish I paid a dollar). I did not encounter that with mine. I would soak them in some hot soapy water over night and see what happens. I know there natural degreasers out there too.

I really like mine I have one in kiwi travel cage and I use the other for her food dish in her main cage.
I'm a huge fan of stainless steel but I love bird safe ceramic dishes even more, and I put them on the bottom of the cage, obviously not where they can get pooped in.
The oil should be easy enough to wash off, but I'm not terribly fond of their design. Theres nothing to stop a naughty bird from pulling out the dish and flinging it to the floor. Especially since it's lightweight stainless.
I'm a huge fan of stainless steel but I love bird safe ceramic dishes even more, and I put them on the bottom of the cage, obviously not where they can get pooped in.

This is what I do in pumpkins second cage. The heavy ceramic is easier to clean and take in and out. I also like that it comes in all colors. His main cage has lips over the bowls so they can't be pulled out by a mischievous birdy.
The oil should be easy enough to wash off, but I'm not terribly fond of their design. Theres nothing to stop a naughty bird from pulling out the dish and flinging it to the floor. Especially since it's lightweight stainless.

Very true, I used to use them in Rio's travel cage (the small ones) every once in a while one would go flying :eek: But they are perfect for a parrotlet. She doesn't fling her dishes ever.

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