Aracari joining the flock


Aug 2, 2013
Houston, TX
Eclectus, Macaw, African Grey, Toucan
Hey guys! Well we visited Emerald Forest Bird Gardens years ago in San Diego. Did all the research on Toucans and Aracari's but the day we were going to purchase an Aracari one of Eclectus parrots passed away while we were at EFBG so we took a step back and never ended up purchasing one.
5 years later though we have been talking to an Owner who needs to down size. We agreed to take on their Aracari.
I would love some helpful tools and tricks anyone has used to tame an Aracari and build trust. We were told he was tame and he may be - he did draw blood on the owner when he took him out of the aviary though today so I'm thinking this little guy will need some work. We have taken in a tamed down greys, eclectus and macaws. This will be our first soft bill. (Yes we are aware no mixing of hard bills and soft bills)
He will be flying with my nanny and will be in Houston on Wednesday morning.

Hey guys sorry been SUPER busy with a Bulldog litter. I mean Team No Sleep over here :p
The Toucan - Collared Aracari safely landed in Houston yesterday!
His big cage got lost I guess in the mail *sigh* so they are shipping a new one (Amazon) and it will be here Friday. No worries though I put up some wood stands and he is enjoying our Master Bathroom. Lots of room to fly around. And super easy to clean up since it is a bathroom.
The first night I read a book in the bathroom with him and he surprised me when he flew over to sink area (I was sitting against the cabinets) and came over 3 times to get a better look at me. Then one time he landed about 2 feet from me and was watching me. He seems to really want to give me a chance at being a friend so I am very excited. I know in a few months time I will be posting photos of him cuddled up or at least sitting next to me.



WOW! He is stunning! I am so looking forward to hearing more about him.
Have you thought of a name yet?
WOW! He is stunning! I am so looking forward to hearing more about him. Have you thought of a name yet?
We are throwing around a few right now. Waiting to see what his personality is like to pick one :)
We have officially named him: Mango
Today we spent a few hours together throughout the day bonding. By this evening he flew down 2 times and spent time on my legs. Now I cant move to touch him yet as that scares him away... baby steps! But he was very interested in my binder and tried to run away with my pen :p
These photos are from my phone so not the same quality but I had to snap a few :p

"Ok Human lets see if you're a good jungle gym"


"Not bad human"


"Hey what's under the binder? A hiddy spot??"


"I can't fit darnit!"


"Is that delicious looking writing utensil for meeeee?"

update: Our life with Mango so far? Well the best way to describe him is a little bipolar stalker.
He comes out to spend time with us 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes to an hour each time. He lets us pick him up, he steps up, goes into his cage with ease and fly’s around like a pro! When he is being a good boy he is an absolute hoot to have around. He hasn’t cuddled yet but he loves to “assist” me at work which means trying to murder my pens while I am taking notes. He follows us around when he is having outside time and refuses to have solo play time; you have to be playing WITH him.
Though he will decide in a split second that you are no longer a friend and now an enemy and fly right into your face and attack. Those times he is an asshole. Though we have found he won’t attack if he is holding something in his bill so blue berries are always thrust at him during play time. Sadly not much we can do to stop the attacking but hope with time he doesn’t do it. Thankfully he doesn’t do any real damage just minor tiny bruises and almost eye pokes.
People always complain about the poop but he is a breeze to clean up after. We clean his cage paper twice a day and wipe down any fruit that may have been thrown around at the end of the day.
Oh and he is such a loud boy! Thankfully his noises sound like a dolphin. They can’t be heard outside of the house so not a big deal. He is so excited to be in the center of the house around the activity he seems to want to compete with everything else going on.
So all in all he is joy to have around and I hope with time he will stop flying for the face because that is a little nerve wracking hahaha
Very nice photos! Mango is gorgeous. Has Mango had a well-check? Might be helpful to rule out a medical condition that contributes to the aggression.
That is one gorgeous and feisty looking bird you found yourself :)

I have never seen one in real life (or anywhere else I think) so I am just standing here going "Wow".
He (?) is so expressive (eyes, posture etc.), love it!

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