Aquiring a job in 2014


New member
Sep 23, 2011
Valentino - Red Fronted Macaw - Hatched August 12, 2012
As some of you know I have been in an aggressive job search since February 2014. So far this road has been very long and difficult.

My field is Information Technology support. Several job titles I have worked are Computer Support Technician, IT Lab Assistant, Global Systems Support Center Engineer, Technical Support Representative and other various versions of these titles. I have done everything in support from build computers and servers, help desk, on-site support, break and fix, sever/network administration both local and global.

It took me over 2 days to update my resume to fit into "today's" acceptance and update its look. I also will tailor the resume for each job I apply for so I have multiple versions of my resume along with various federal versions of it.

I have never physically filled out an application and sent it though the mail with a copy of my resume. This is ALL done on line and for each job it will take me from one and half to two and half hours to complete the "application package". It is not just uploading your resume and cover letter but will involve importing the resume information, answering a battery of questions, making sure supervisors numbers are current along with giving permission for them to contact my past bosses. I even have to supply references business and sometimes personal. They want so much information upfront it takes so long to get everything in order.

Applying for employment IS a job. I can spent from two hours to eight hours looking and applying for employment.

Something new I have been running into is filling out a Talent Acquisition Questionnaire. This takes me the longest of all to fill out because this will ask specific questions about matching my experience with the particular job needs. Not only do I have to write an essay about what in my previous experience I enjoyed the most and least but they want to the reason why I left each employer, describe three strengths and areas of development for the position I am applying for and describe a difficult customer I worked with and how I converted them to be an advocate for me. To further weed out people I also have to fill out job specific questions describe my experience using applications and technologies like Win OS's, Outlook, Office, remote management tools, active directory admin, VPN, software deployment tools, web-based apps, wireless networking and mobile handheld devices.

I also spend a huge amount of time creating files on the job itself and researching the company inside and out. They are now making me work hard to weed myself out of getting that first interview, which is always by phone.

The positive thing with all of this is that it does not waste any of our time. If I interview with the company they know pretty much all about me enough to want me to work for them. The interview is somewhat less stressful because of forcing me to be ready before I am even called.

I am getting interviews but have not gotten an offer at this time. I feel there has got to be a good match out there for me and I will have to continue to work hard to find it.

I could use any prayers or positive thoughts headed my way.
You're right, looking for a job is a job all unto itself. I hope you find something soon. I've been out of work before and it sucks.
Best wishes for success! You appear articulate with a good understanding of the particular methods necessary to land that ideal job.

I'm surprised the procedure is so complex; you seem to be accomplishing the bulk of an H.R department's screening! Not having the need to search for a job in 26 years severely dates my understanding of contemporary methods!

Good luck and keep us updated!
My husband worked at the same job for 7 years before we moved. To get that job, he basically filled out an application and was called for an interview. This time around, he spent several months of 6-8 hour days writing individual cover letters, tweaking his resume, filling out these questionnaires and intelligence tests before he finally found a good position (which required 3 interviews before he was hired!).

I have no doubt you're putting in a ton of work finding work! Wishing you the best of luck in your searching and hope you find a good position soon!
Rebecca, I feel for you. Trust me, I know all about it. It sucks. Scott, as surprising as it is, that's the way it works these days. You can even be skilled, college degreed, etc, and STILL come up with nothing (despite trying hard) for months and commonly years even... and if you're not super young they don't want you, despite experience.
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Thank you all for the kind uplifting posts. I think I was getting close to a meltdown with all the necessary steps I have to do to even get looked at for a job. I agree with Scott as it seems I am doing a lot of HR stuff before even being considered to pass on my information to the hiring manager. Its just really crazy.

I was reading over my resume I built so I can apply for federal jobs. There seems to be a lot of activity for hiring in the federal sector. Maybe they got some monies from congress due to all the data breaches. LOL.

My objective on my fed resume is kind of corney but I asked the opinions of several federal employees and managers and they say what I wrote was pretty good. For me it just makes me laugh. Here is a copy paste of it
To offer my extensive experience and knowledge in Information Technology support for a federal organization in which to continue to serve and protect the United States of America

Go ahead and chuckle or laugh. You gotta admit it is kinda corny. In a way I kinda have a strange fondness for that objective.
Since you've got IT experience, what about school systems, the reason I ask, is that I've recently seen requests locally (NW Georgia) for applicants to fill IT positions for a couple of systems...actually I think one system & the other a private school.....our local school board normally advertises through several placement agencies, don't know how it is near you.....good luck.....
Your statement regarding federal service is noble and acknowledges there are indeed competent and ethical civil servants.

Are there job-fairs or trade shows focused on recruitment? It would seem any opportunity to engage with an HR team may break through the ghastly impersonal process.

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