Anyone wonder how Munch reacts to cage cleaning?


New member
Mar 19, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Dallas and Tsukasa (Cockatiels)
Mango and Munchlax (Peach Faced Lovebirds)
[ame=]Cleaning Munch's Cage is a JOY! - YouTube[/ame]

THAT'S how. the washcloth is her most hated enemy lol

(no chemicals on the cloth, just hot water)
LoL....I deal with that all the time with my ekkies, they get mad attacking the towel and my hands if I'm cleaning their cage. So now I have to put them up in the baby tank or another cage before I can. They can't even go on their play stand when I'm cleaning. They would fly over to their cage, or fly to the floor and coming chasing after me because I'm cleaning their cage. If I put their play stand in another room, they fly down and come searching for me and runs to attack if I'm scrubbing their cage. Any other time they're fine, just when I'm cleaning it....
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thats the same with munch now lol she used to attack anyone in her cage at any time, but now she's fine, unless we clean it.

for very thorough cleaning and rearranging, she goes in the travel cage lol but just for wipe-downs and blanket changes, we don't bother moving her--i get bit either way :p
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i dont have this problem with the other 3, just one lol luckily that was a fairly gentle bite, it was a sharp pinch that left a welt, but she didnt break skin in that one. that was a gentle bite compared to her normal bites lol
Malachai get nosey to check things out but he never attacks,,,but both ekkies will attack....but any other time, they're sweet as they can be.....I don't know what they have against a clean house???? LoL....
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i dunno, its like people who dont like other people cleaning their messes, i guess? that is pretty funny. if munch was THAT determined to the point of following me back to her cage, then i'd have a real problem lol

ekkies look so gentle despite their giant beaks... but is that really the case?

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