Anyone Use Avitech Milk Thistle/Dandelion Root Drops?


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Oct 24, 2014
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My Grey is a smart sucker. He is refusing any food I put his milk thistle on. I purchased some of this Avitech Milk Thistle/Dandelion Root extract because it gives instructions to put in his water. Have any of you tried it? Any luck with your birds no noticing it in the water? I appreciate it!
What I used was Aloe Detox. Same basic stuff... only aloe as well.

I didn't have any luck mixing it with water either. I used apple juice.

They didn't drink the water. They sucked down the apple juice. (If your CAG has a favorite juice, that's what I'd try.)
What I used was Aloe Detox. Same basic stuff... only aloe as well.

I didn't have any luck mixing it with water either. I used apple juice.

They didn't drink the water. They sucked down the apple juice. (If your CAG has a favorite juice, that's what I'd try.)

I had no idea they could even drink juice. Do you get no sugar added or what?
What I used was Aloe Detox. Same basic stuff... only aloe as well.

I didn't have any luck mixing it with water either. I used apple juice.

They didn't drink the water. They sucked down the apple juice. (If your CAG has a favorite juice, that's what I'd try.)

I had no idea they could even drink juice. Do you get no sugar added or what?

As long as it's 100% juice, it's fine. My parrots love apple juice, I give it to them in a glass, but they don't get it often, so they gulp it down. Like Mark said, if they think the juice is a special treat, you can usually sneak the detox past their beaks before they notice. I've also mixed liquid meds with a little organic apple sauce.
What I used was Aloe Detox. Same basic stuff... only aloe as well.

I didn't have any luck mixing it with water either. I used apple juice.

They didn't drink the water. They sucked down the apple juice. (If your CAG has a favorite juice, that's what I'd try.)

I had no idea they could even drink juice. Do you get no sugar added or what?

As long as it's 100% juice, it's fine. My parrots love apple juice, I give it to them in a glass, but they don't get it often, so they gulp it down. Like Mark said, if they think the juice is a special treat, you can usually sneak the detox past their beaks before they notice. I've also mixed liquid meds with a little organic apple sauce.

How do you go about giving them juice? How much? Cant do a syringe hes terrified of them. Also how do you serve the apple sauce? In their food bowl? Thanks so much!
I have a little treat cup bowl that I used for that. And I just went around to each bird and held it for them, watched them drink it. (i.e. made sure they drank their fill of it.)

Juice may be high in sugar, but getting the aloe detox in a bird suffering from liver disease is worth it.

Aloe detox worked wonders for my BFA. Her liver values were in the "this bird should be dead" range when I got her. I changed her diet, and stuffed as much Aloe Detox into her as I could get - and a few months later her liver values were WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS!
I have a little treat cup bowl that I used for that. And I just went around to each bird and held it for them, watched them drink it. (i.e. made sure they drank their fill of it.)

Juice may be high in sugar, but getting the aloe detox in a bird suffering from liver disease is worth it.

Aloe detox worked wonders for my BFA. Her liver values were in the "this bird should be dead" range when I got her. I changed her diet, and stuffed as much Aloe Detox into her as I could get - and a few months later her liver values were WITHIN NORMAL LIMITS!

Wow thats awesome man! What Aloe Detox did you use? Can you give me specific for it so I can take a look at it a possibly get some?! :D
Lilly of the Desert:

Aloe Herbal Detox Formula - Lily of the Desert

Found it online for less than $13.00 per bottle here:

Pecker was near death when I got her. So this is a Carolyn Swicegood suggestion - get as much aloe detox as you can into her...

So I was giving her this stuff mixed with fruit juice (mixed 50-50) about 4 times a day. And I combined that with a radical change in diet. (Her diet is what CAUSED the liver disease in the first place!

As you can see, it's got the dandilion root and milk thistle as well as aloe, and some other stuff... We don't actually know which of these three ingredients is the one that does it for parrots, probably the combination... Personally, I am a true believer in this product. I personally think it saved Pecker's life. Carolyn Swicegood swears it saved her prized Eckie hen's life. And it does not appear to be in any way toxic.

Sadly, I lost Pecker to a tumor about 3.5 years later, but she was a great bird!
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