Anyone elses conure enjoy licking things?


New member
Oct 26, 2013
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Black-cap Conure - 'Felix' -Hatched May. 12/2013
Peach-Face Love Bird - 'Sam' (1990-2013)
Felix enjoys licking smooth surfaces like mirrors, counters, and my ipad.... He'll put his head down, open his mouth, stick his tounge out, and run down the surface dragging his tounge along it...

Anyone else observed this type of behavior????:confused:
Yeah, mine does it all the time – by which I mean my calico macaw.

With her however, it's not just smooth surfaces, but pretty much anything associated to being near me.

I've heard other macaw owners say similar things, but you are the first non-macaw person to say it in front of me.

If the gold capped/crowned teenaged conure I'm looking into works out, I'll let you if know if that bird does it too.
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Thanks MenomaMinx

This is the first time I have had a bird that licks things.... Felix is the same way he will klick anything he feels like licking but the surface is always smooth...he will lick the legs on the coffee table but not the top because the top is slate :confused:he licks the shower head...even when its not running...., tho his fave is the ipad cause the screen moves.... I am not too concerned healthwise as the house is always clean (dog with environmental allergies) & use only vinegar, baking soda, water, and lemon.....its just......a bit odd is

I'm curious to see what you find out if you end up getting the gold capped conure :)
My Blue Crown Tootsie loves to tongue objects. The more interesting the texture the more she will stay there and keep touching, feeling and rubbing it with her tongue. She will do that with toys, wood, rope and my arm. With her it is almost an obsession. She can sometimes worry at my arm so long at times that it begins to get sore.

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