Anyone else have tiels of different flying skills


Active member
Feb 13, 2024
Cockatiels, Mexican Conure
I own three tiels they are all ten years old and healthy

Ollie my best flyer will maneuverer through my incoves and obstacles no problem and can totally change direction on a dime he's super good at it

Mabel is pretty good but if she changes her mind where she wants to land she's a little clumsy but always sticks the landing

Gatsby... He's super bad at landing he can fly in circles with the others but he has only recently improved his landing which isn't by much. He's been checked by vets he's healthy . Never clipped their wings ever . He's just always been so bad at landing we typically have to rescue him from wherever he lands or he has to crash land until he finds his way back to his fave cage spot.
He's the reason my entire house is bird proof pretty much no decor that can fall due to him deciding to land there (honestly was very difficult but worth the safety)

He never gets injured sometimes his crest gets messed up or a forehead feather bent

I'm just curious anyone else have a bad flyer but apparently totally healthy?
I own three tiels they are all ten years old and healthy

Ollie my best flyer will maneuverer through my incoves and obstacles no problem and can totally change direction on a dime he's super good at it

Mabel is pretty good but if she changes her mind where she wants to land she's a little clumsy but always sticks the landing

Gatsby... He's super bad at landing he can fly in circles with the others but he has only recently improved his landing which isn't by much. He's been checked by vets he's healthy . Never clipped their wings ever . He's just always been so bad at landing we typically have to rescue him from wherever he lands or he has to crash land until he finds his way back to his fave cage spot.
He's the reason my entire house is bird proof pretty much no decor that can fall due to him deciding to land there (honestly was very difficult but worth the safety)

He never gets injured sometimes his crest gets messed up or a forehead feather bent

I'm just curious anyone else have a bad flyer but apparently totally healthy?
Totally! Strongarm used to fly into alcoves and hidey spots all the time. I don't know if she saw them as places to hide or if they were actual accidental landing spots, but it was annoying having to fish her out of a wall of boxes three boxes deep, LOL!

Mindwipe and Redshift were/ are decent fliers. Redshift's become less... agile... in his old age. But he's a STRONG flier. Even with wings clipped he can get good height.
I own three tiels they are all ten years old and healthy

Ollie my best flyer will maneuverer through my incoves and obstacles no problem and can totally change direction on a dime he's super good at it

Mabel is pretty good but if she changes her mind where she wants to land she's a little clumsy but always sticks the landing

Gatsby... He's super bad at landing he can fly in circles with the others but he has only recently improved his landing which isn't by much. He's been checked by vets he's healthy . Never clipped their wings ever . He's just always been so bad at landing we typically have to rescue him from wherever he lands or he has to crash land until he finds his way back to his fave cage spot.
He's the reason my entire house is bird proof pretty much no decor that can fall due to him deciding to land there (honestly was very difficult but worth the safety)

He never gets injured sometimes his crest gets messed up or a forehead feather bent

I'm just curious anyone else have a bad flyer but apparently totally healthy?
That sounds odd to me. Iv had a few cockatiels in my time and they have all been experts at flying
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That sounds odd to me. Iv had a few cockatiels in my time and they have all been experts at flying
Right?. It is weird but I've never seen one so bad at flying especially considering I don't clip wings it's like he's scared to land more than anything
Doesn't seem weird to me 🤷‍♀️

Granted, most of my birds (ALL of my tiels) have been rescues, many of whom were clipped for a portion of their lives. But, I think it's been a 50/50 split for me between expert flyers and clumsy tiels. I don't think it's anything to be worried about? You can have them checked out by a vet, if they find something odd about the bird's keel or musculature then there's your answer, if not then I think one of your fids is just not much of an athlete
My Tiels range from my elderly Baby at least 22 years old.
He flys in slow motion. He uses gravity more than wing beats and trades night for speed. Falling to gain momentum and then pulling up to lose speed/gain height and come in for a perfect landing.

Cheeky is the other end of the spectrum.
I forget how old he is but he flys like a bat out of…. You know where.
He comes in hot for landings and sometimes skids a bit but he is an accurate flyer for all his speed.
Just been thinking - if cockatiels don't learn to fly or fly correctly to gain confidence when chicks (NO idea if this is the case with your birds) they can be clumsier fliers when older, too.

Then there's the gifted ones who couldn't avoid a broad side of a bard even if they tried....

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