Anyone else have a storm-anxious parrot?


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Dallas area, Texas
Well, we don't get storms *that* often where I'm at in Texas, but when it rains, it pours.
It's been storming for a bit today and the thunder just keeps getting louder and louder.
I also noticed Kiwi will be exceptionally nippy. Not biting hard or enough to cause discomfort, but just in general beaky.
Do you think she could be anxious of the storm? I'm sure it's something birds deal with in the wild(obviously) but could it be frightening to a house parrot?
I have an anxiety of storms/loud sounds, so maybe she's just reflecting my emotions, but I don't really show it when I get anxious. (I.E I don't pace, hyperventilate, anything that would show her I'm stressed.)
Just curious really. Maybe she's just being coincidentally beaky. :rolleyes:
Whatever it may be, we will sit and cuddle and wait this storm out together. Hehe. Lord knows neither one of us want to go outside in this. :eek:

(P.S to those who read my thread in Health Care yesterday, she was doing much much better last night and today she's her(mostly) usual self. No loss of balance or sleepiness, just playful and happy!)

Edit: This is how she sits, she can either hold my finger, or chew on my hand.. haha.
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We live in California. I'm not sure what this thing called rain is?
Texas can have some impressive storms. Your bird is most likely feeding off your fear. Our pheramones give us away and Kiwi might be able to detect the scent.
I think they hit it on the head that she's picking up your anxiety. Myself, I love storms. The louder the better, and we get alot. As it also turns out, every bird I've ever had loves them as well. :) I take my birds out on the (covered) porch during storms, they love it, they love the wind and spray. Of course we do this just for normal rain storms, not tornadoes or anything like that lol!
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Haha, well, I guess my poor unlucky Kiwi has to deal with her human's anxiety issues on her own. Loki doesn't even pay any mind to it! Haha. He just gets grumpy that Kiwi wants to spend time with me, and not him.
It's nice though, somewhat comforting. She does things like beak-wrestle with me and follow my hands when I'm on the computer, just random stuff to take my mind off things. So I definitely appreciate her acknowledgement hah. I could never live somewhere that tornadoes or earthquakes are frequent though.. I'd be constantly nervous! :p

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