Any safe parrot beds?


New member
Jul 21, 2017
Indian Ringneck
I've heard some horror stories regarding some parrot beds, does anyone know of any safe and reliable brands I could check out?
It would have to made from material that does not shed any fibres, causing blockages. A fair few seemed to be fleece material I suppose because it is great to snuggle in, but not good for parrot snuggle huts.
There really aren't, but that's ok because parrots don't need them. Also you posted this in IRNs and Irns are one of the least likely species to like them anyway.

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If you must have a bed(?) for your ringneck, I suppose one of the sea grass ones would be least likely to cause problems. Man made stuff is to easy to shred and cause a blockage. If he just likes his privaacy when sleeping,You could rig a perch with a open face hut like thingy. But be keenly aware if he is chewing on it.
Don't bother.
I tried, before I knew any better.
Waste of time and money.
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Thanks for all the help, it just feels weird to me to see him standing up 24/7, I guess this is natural for parrots but would he benefit at all from having a flat non perch like surface to lie down on? Assuming it wasn't
surrounded by fabric that could break apart.
If you ever see your parrot laying down (other than rolling around during play) RUSH TO THE VET. Some conures will snuggle in their huts but yours is an IRN. If you are not actively snuggling or playing with him and you see him laying RUSH TO THE VET because your bird is dying.

In other words, no, he doesn't need a place to lay down.

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yeah don't bother. They're dangerous, bring out hormonal behavior and can make them the most territorial creature going. Birds do stand up pretty constantly, some even fly constantly for months sleeping in the air. the way they rest is through moving the feet to different widths of a perch hence why varying widths of perch are used in cages.

Ask yourself "how often does a bird in the wild snuggle up in a bed?"

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