Any Ringneck Dove Owners Here? Questions...


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Aug 20, 2016
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State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
So I've had Dylan, my baby, male, Ringneck Dove for over a month or so now, and the first night here he slept in a spare cage I had...But the next day, I went out to my shed and brought out my extra-large dog crate that has been in storage, cleaned and disinfected it, then i made a bunch of different perches out of both wooden dowels I shaped, and from different bolt-on perches that I've bought...I put the perches all over the crate...Then I hung some toys similar to what were in his flight-cage at the pet shop, put newspaper down under the grate, and then gave him the same type of food and water dishes that he had at the pet shop...the kind that you use for chicks/ducks, the plastic ones with the plastic bottles that screw-in to the base and that store a lot of food and water...He also has a separate dish of Grit, and then gets his veggies/fruit chop in a separate dish...I also added a big "nest" made out of natural grapevine in the upper corner of the crate, along with a wooden swing hanging from the top, which he spends a good amount of his time on, he loves it...

Now this crate is the extra-large size of dog crate, the kind you see at Walmart, like they have 3 "display models" out and assembled, well the largest one, it's huge...And Dylan has loved it, plus he spends most of his day with the crate open and it's next to one of the PVC play gyms I've made, so he comes and goes as he pleases, plays on the gym, etc. He sleeps in the nest every night...

Anyway, yesterday a friend who works at the Avian/Reptile Rescue I work at came over...she keeps doves, quail, pigeons, etc...She gave me all kinds of hell for keeping him in a "dog crate", and told me I need to go out and buy him a much smaller flight-cage that is not sitting on the ground...Then she told me that i shouldn't use the water and food dishes I have, even though that's what he was used to, then she told me that Doves don't need all the toys, they need more space to fly, even though Dylan plays with all of his toys, AND his crate door is always open so he can come and go as he wants to except at nighttime...

i'm not one to give a rat's ass what anyone else says to me about my birds or my dogs, I've been doing this forever...BUT, not with Doves or any birds of the like...I just want to make sure that I'm not making some huge mistake that will permanently scar Dylan for life :rolleyes:

Any descriptions of your Dove's cages would be appreciated, or photos if that's easier...uhg...I resent having to ask this, Dylan is happy, I'm happy...or I was, until I started worrying about this, lol...
Sorry Ellen but I know absolutely SQUAT about doves. A friend of mine had two "white" doves years ago, ( that's all I know about them,they are white!)
And one of them lived (Lord only knows why) to a ripe age of twenty-five :eek:

She kept them in a smallish parrot cage and hardly ever let them out. They even managed to lay a couple clutches of eggs!

And yes...after a few months..the incessive "" drove me banana's :mad:

Good luck with Dylan...where the pic's btw????!!

I don't own doves, but I did want one for a while and did lots of research.

I personally don't see a problem. I would think that, just like parrots, they should have the largest cage possible, even if that means a dog crate.
Doves don't need toys, but if he plays with them then let him have them, there is no problem with that.
As for bowls, as long as he knows that there is food/water in it then I would think it's okay.

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Jim, lol...and Dylan isn't even white :rolleyes:

The cooing...oh, sweet baby Jesus, the's literally like having a Rooster INSIDE your house...except Dylan does it at sunrise, then after sunrise for a good hour, then during the day, then all evening long...he absolutely LOVES the swing that i built-into the big PVC play-gym, and that's where he goes to do his "cooing", he helicopters himself up to the swing, proudly perches himself on it, puffs-out his chest, and pretends he's Foghorn Leghorn...

He's lucky he has the cutest little face I've ever seen in my life, that's all I have to say about that...

And I have to take more photos of him, he's such a cutie..he has the brightest little red eyes, and the cutest little face with that little bill...And he has an attitude too, he has literally taken-over the house, and couldn't care less about any of the other birds or the dogs...he just struts his little self all over the house like he is paying the mortgage...This morning I was watching TV and drinking coffee, and the dogs were laying on the floor next to me, and Dylan was perched up on the TV stand. Then he jumped right down on top of the Shar Pei's back, walked the entire way down his back, over his head, and then launched himself off of his muzzle, like it was a diving board, and strutted on over to his cage for a snack...Jett (my Shar Pei) had the most perplexed look on his face I've ever seen, he had no idea what had just happened...

He must have known that I'm talking about him, he's "cooing" again :rolleyes:
:D LMAO :D now THAT is funny!! The helicopter/hover thing..The Beebs did that also when he was just a tyke,learning about flying. It was rather amazing,watching this little grey thing with his hat high in the sky,chirping/twittling his beak off,arms waving frantically as he just hung there in mid-air for a few seconds.

He doesn't do it anymore :confused: maybe coz he is heavier now than back then??
Still,Ellen, pictures pictures!!

LOL, my sister and I had a pair (one white, one normal) when I was young and actually: pigeons/doves do not give a rodents behind what their food and drink is served in, as long as it is there.
(So there! ;) )
We used to bring them treats in unlikely things like bottlecaps - and they would still be happily snacking...
Never had toys in the cage, though we did build them things (ramps etc.) to let them do tricks.
We never got them to ring a small bell, but they were flighted, tame and happy to play along otherwise.

I think lots of people underestimate birdintelligence in general - now parrots, crows etc. are more accepted as not being completely brainless it is time to look at the other 'dumb' species ?
(Why would a pigeon not have fun playing with toys and amuse himself that way?)

My father had kept homing pigeons as a boy- so we had a quite conventional home-made cage for them (actually- it's how I first learned about cagebuilding ;) LOL hadn't thought about that for years! Thank you! Good memories.)
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Well, all i know is that Dylan pecks the heck out of his toys, plays with the bells, he loves the little plastic balls with the holes in them, and he hangs off of all of, they obviously can't "chew" on them, but he definitely is playing with them...all day long (when he's not "cooing") there ya go...

I don't know, Dylan seems happy to me. I asked him last night...We talked about it, he said to tell that lady from the rescue to **** we now have an understanding...

If only I could convince him to not start "cooing" until at least 7:00 a.m.
Well, all i know is that Dylan pecks the heck out of his toys, plays with the bells, he loves the little plastic balls with the holes in them, and he hangs off of all of, they obviously can't "chew" on them, but he definitely is playing with them...all day long (when he's not "cooing") there ya go...

I don't know, Dylan seems happy to me. I asked him last night...We talked about it, he said to tell that lady from the rescue to **** we now have an understanding...

If only I could convince him to not start "cooing" until at least 7:00 a.m.

When "Debbie" got her two dovies,the "cooing" was kinda cute:rolleyes:...KINDA!...that didn't last long!!!:eek:

Well, all i know is that Dylan pecks the heck out of his toys, plays with the bells, he loves the little plastic balls with the holes in them, and he hangs off of all of, they obviously can't "chew" on them, but he definitely is playing with them...all day long (when he's not "cooing") there ya go...

I don't know, Dylan seems happy to me. I asked him last night...We talked about it, he said to tell that lady from the rescue to **** we now have an understanding...

If only I could convince him to not start "cooing" until at least 7:00 a.m.

When "Debbie" got her two dovies,the "cooing" was kinda cute:rolleyes:...KINDA!...that didn't last long!!!:eek:


Funny how quickly that "cooing" goes from "Awe, that's so sweet!" and even "That cooing is so soothing", to "Shut the hell up!" and "GO.TO.SLEEEEEP!!!":eek:
I actually enjoy the cooing. I had a mourning dove that I saved from the cotton stripper. Barely was getting pin feathers. He lived 13 yrs. That cooing of his was soothing and sorely missed when he passed. His name was Tuffy, because he was.
only problem I see is that Doves and Pigeons don't need and can't entirely digest fruits and veggis like a parrot can. they're seed birds. I'm not a pro so I could be wrong but everytime I've heard the conversation of dove/pigeon come up it always says no vegis.

Wow another dove owner! I have had my dove, Baby for 22 years

(Sorry its much longer than I thought, but I tried to share everything that has worked for me, I hope it helps! )

I consider him to be officially in retirement, which means he is incredibly spoiled, but I firmly believe at his age, he deserves it and more. ��

I also have my dove in a dog cage and he loves it. Standard bird cages are not suited to how doves flight works. They cant fly up and down properly in a regular cage and should be in a longer cage.

Dog cages work perfectly and are much cheaper. I am not sure how wide the bars are on the large size dog cage, the only concern would be if they are wide enough for him to squeeze through or get attacked by other animals. Since your bird is an indoor bird (i dunno if you have other pets) i dont think there is much you wouldmhave to worry about.

My dove also plays with toys, bells, stuffed animals ( his favourite toy is a yellow stuffed duck, lol) he also loves mirrors, cotton tips, rings, large ribbons, twigs, and likes to swing too) He bring cotton tips and twigs as gifts to my husband (his favourite person) when he wants to be pet and gives kisses, its so cute.

In his cage i have a platform set up just above half way up the cage, with a slanted ramp and a wide perch on the opposite end of the cage so he can fly back and forth or walk up the ramp. His food and water are under the platform so he cant accidentally poop in them and are heavy enough he cant tip them over.

If you decide to put a ramp in your cage, make sure to soften the sides and place it against the one side of the cage because they tend to wack their wings on things very easily and a metal cage ramp could hurt. I use a foam wrap that doesnt fall apart or be picked and eaten.

My dove loves to be held, and always wants to be pet. When he is out of his cage he usually poops (6 out of 10 times) in the same general spot which is handy. I never let my bird on my head, and Baby will usually only fly on my head when he is moody and trying to show he is boss.

Because Baby is happily retired and spoiled, I wrap all his perches in soft toilet paper for extra grip and keep it soft (do old birds get arthritis?)

I also have a foam insert i've placed on the bottom of his dog cage pan under his paper to make jumping down from his platform softer on his feet and joints.

I do not use a grate on the bottom of the cage, because they are naturally ground birds and it is their nature to search the ground for stuff. So make sure there is nothing he shouldnt eat on the floor.

Some tips for the cooing that has worked for me....

Since doves have really no way to communicate other than cooing, i think it takes time to understand what coo means what.

For example, Baby loves to be with people.

So if he hears people he will coo non stop until I move him to a place where he can see us.
He also LOVES men. Doves coo in a deep tone which is why i think they naturally are attracted to people with a bassy voice.

Baby is use to hearing my alarm go off in early morning and seems to have learned this is the time when I should be uo and moving around, so if he doesnt hear me up and about at my regular time, you better believe he's going to keep reminding me.

Baby also does well with background noise. Most nights he sleeps quietly the entire night with the sound of soft rain playing the background.

Experiment with how you put him to bed, does he do better in complete darkness, or some light?

Both my birds have a nightly routine, so they get in the habit of winding down and getting ready for bed. Baby goes to bed much later than Kiwi and that usually helps to keep him quiet through the night.

Also, Baby like listening to the tv when he is alone and it usually helps to calm his cooing. However, deep voices on the tv will prompt him to start cooing.

Also, doves have a bad rap for being "dumb" birds. I dont think they are dumb at all, quite thenopposite. He has learned the step up command, he understands no, and knows when he is not allowed to perch in a specific spot.

He also watches and copies Kiwi and attempts to do the same thing when he wants to get our attention. For example, Kiwi does a snuggling move on soft blankets which is really the same as watching a bird take a dust bath outside. Kiwi looks so cute when he does that we always make a big deal about it.

Baby has watched and learned he will get attention this way too, so now he does a really funny waddling dust bath snuggle dance that is hilarious to watch but also so cute that he instantly gets all the pets and attention he is looking for.

Sorry its so long, i hope it helps! Feel free to pm anytime! :)
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