Another screaming/screeching ecclectus


New member
Jul 23, 2012
Barkley (4yo Eclectus)----
Pepper (7yo White-Capped Pionus)
I have a 4 year old male SI ecclectus. We used to feed him (and my other feathered friend, Pepper) a mixture of Zupreem and Harrisons. But they just kept throwing the Zupreem out and eating the Harrison's.

He keeps screaming for no particular reason. When he wants to go out his cage, he screams. We've tried covering him and waiting until he was quiet to let him out. We didn't want to associate letting him out of his cage with screaming.

We feed him. He eats it all and shreads the rest and he screams.

We really don't know why he is screaming right now. It's like a high pitched screech! It is deafening and hurts my ears something terrible. We can't keep feeding him harrison's all day or veggies. He's already a little on the pudgy side as it is.

We're at a complete loss. This has been going on for weeks now.
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Also, he keeps trying to mate with any female human that he comes into contact with. He rubs himself. He regurgitated in my mom's mouth once.

Is the all related? Maybe he's just frustrated?
admittedly I don't know much at all about ekkies, but I do know they have special dietary needs. I'm sure another member will be able to go in to depth on that. As far as the screaming could be partially hormonal, yes, but how about boredom? Have you introduced any new toys or foraging stations lately?
I feed my girl harrison pellet , however it is not a main part of her diet in fact she normally does not touch her pellet and tosses her pellet bowl with the pellets in it , so i only put 1 or 2 pellets in there if she wants pellets, ..pellets are only supposed to be about 10% of their diet less is best. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies. I have a 4 year old female with her previous owner she was a seed and trisket junkie.

I actually only offer the harrison because i am using the one that weans them off seed. anyway try to offer lots and lots of fruits and veggies. they need more veggies than a normal parrot, their digestive tracks are longer & the fruits help their track move right along..

Also don't pet him on his back , the birds associate this with sexual behavior, pet on the head my girl likes the side of her head and neck petted.

My girl screemed when i first got her i put her in my bedroom so she could be in a quiet room to adjust, and i dont think she liked it after a couple days I moved her to the living room and the screaming stopped right away..My bird likes to watch activity and likes noise. However. I have read articles stating that boys do not like rowdy, or over active households, he could be screaming because the TV is to loud or to much activity around his cage.. If the room he is in is active i would move him just to see if that is it..

Also if you have added alot of toys to his cage at one time he could get upset by this, so if you put something new in his cage try taking it out...
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He's been getting fruits and veggies since I've moved home in the last week or so. I've been trying to give them lots of it. kale, carrots, apples, grapes, the occasional popcorn snack, sweet potatoes, kiwi (boy do they love their kiwi!)

About the noise...we do have two little dogs that like to bark. I have no idea how to get them to stop. I'll try putting him in a quieter space, but he likes to see what is going on.

I'm beginning to wonder if this is "I want out of my cage" behavior. My dad used to let him out so he would stop. So I'm wondering if he thinks he screams he'll get let out.
If you say you dad used to let him out when he would scream, then he has learned that this is how to get out of the cage. Other people will probably have better advice on how to snap him out of that behavior, but to me it sounds like he wants to get out of his cage. My advice would be to only let him out once he is quiet, and then give him a treat for being so good. Hopefully someone else will have a better idea on what to do! :(
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Thank you. I do hope someone can tell me how to get him out of this behavior.
I have a 1 yr old boy ecky. We have a rowdy house due to having 3 boys aged 10, 10 and 4. So I wouldn't put it down to noise, But I guess all birds are different. Jax (Ecky) only does the ear piercing scream when he thinks I am running late with his breakfast... So if I hear his scream I always put it down to a hunger cry/call. Obviously that isn't the case with your boy. It could be a hormonal thing hormones kick in at 2 1/2yr mark and your boy is past that.
First off, STOP FEEDING HIM PELLETS. You can mix a few pellets with a half a cup of seeds and nuts as treats. But Eclectus don't due well on a pellet diet. They require fresh veggies and fruits. Frozen is good too if that's all you can get depending on the season. They require a lot of ruffage like greens as well as sprouts. This would be a good dite to read The Eclectus Parrot - Graham Taylor (Australia)

But if you haven't taken your bird to the vet in a while, this should be the first step, especially if you have noticed drastic change in his recently.
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Thank you. We do want to take him to the vet, but we are trying to find one in our area. At least a reputable one. The last time we went to a vet last month for a nail trim, they almost broke his wing they didn't know how to handle him, plus the vet wanted to charge a fortune for things he didn't even need. Our old vet in LA said Harrison's was a good diet but to supplement with fruits and veggies.
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I have a 1 yr old boy ecky. We have a rowdy house due to having 3 boys aged 10, 10 and 4. So I wouldn't put it down to noise, But I guess all birds are different. Jax (Ecky) only does the ear piercing scream when he thinks I am running late with his breakfast... So if I hear his scream I always put it down to a hunger cry/call. Obviously that isn't the case with your boy. It could be a hormonal thing hormones kick in at 2 1/2yr mark and your boy is past that.

OH boy, we have noticed the hormones kicking in. He's being trying to mate with my mother, and when he can't have her any female person will do! We've already had the reguritating food in the mouth.

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