Another "Is this good for an Amazon?"

I promise, when I click on it the same message comes up each and every time. :eek:

That is one heck of a great price for that playgym. :eek: Does it say what it's made of, and the thickness of the wood? How tall is it? If it's SUPER tall, you may need a stool to get your bird off. ;)
I should probably have added that I personally would not buy a gym like this because the bird has easy access to the bottom. From there he can wonder....well.....anywhere and everywhere. :54:
woa...that's a great deal. at first i thought it was awesome and that you should get it, but i also agree with what what JerseyWendy said. he could easily get down and wander wherever he wants. if you get it, keep lots of toys around the top so he stays occupied up there. also, keep a close eye on him. you could also try modifying it and take the ladders off the bottom so he cant get down. happy shopping!

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