another help me thread.i know u need another ;)


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Oct 8, 2015
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i am a very new conure owner.i have been researching them for awhile but really didnt feel ready to get one but that changed when i read an ad on craigslist...i dont know why but something told me i needed to get him and turns out i was right.when i arrived at the home to get him it was a bird horror house.countless cages lined the walls everything from cockatoo,macaws,finches...u name it they had it.all of the larger birds were bald on the chest.needless to say pepper went with me even though he brought blood within the first few minutes.i am still trying to figure out some way to help the other ones in that place...
long story short pepper had not been there long.everything the guy told me about him was false.i found the original owner by the grace of god and got more factual information but i am still left with serious issues.rehoming this poor guy is out of the question because he has went thru too much in his short little life.he or she is one year old.he is already very clingy and wants to be on me all the time but he bites.really hard and often.even when we are sitting still and completely unprovoked.i know they can bite if scared but pepper will be talking away or snuggling up then just take a big ole hunk whenthe mood strikes
i see so much conflicting info on what to do i have no clue where to start.please bombard me with hands and fingers implore u lol
Hi there, Welcome to the forums!

I'm sorry your new conure had such a bumpy road before he came to you. According to where you are and the laws governing animals, you could report the place to the authorities and hope for the best. You could also report them to Craigslist.

It's amazing you found the original owner. If the conure is really one year old, that works in his favor. Hopefully he wasn't living in terrible conditions for too long.

It's normal for a bird that's never had training to be nippy and defensive in a new home. He may need a little time to adjust before you expect too much. The biting and random attacks shouldn't last too long once he's comfortable in his new place.

Here's a link you may find helpful.

We have a large group of conure people, I'm sure they'll be able to add helpful advice too. I wish you the best.
I faced the same issue with my Gcc. She wasn't friendly at all! But someone here mentioned birdy Time Outs, and boy did that help! In a closed off and safe room, mind you my girl is clipped, if she bit me I would say a firm no and do a sudden drop of my arm. I'd she went to the floor so be it, I knew she was safe. She hates the floor and would rather be with me so this was perfect. It taught her if she wants to stay with me she can't bite or she goes to a time out spot until she calms. Heck I've even knocked her off my knee gently because she tried grabbing me when I asked her to step up.

Just remember... Until the biting stops SHOULDERS ARE OFF LIMITS!! Not only can your bird get your face and that also can give them a 'dominance' feeling. Conlan is never allowed on my shoulder for that reason, it gives her to much 'power'. But try something like getting a small post and placing it a few feet from you in view and when she bites day no in a firm voice, don't yell, and place her there and walk away. She'll eventually get that is she wants to stay with you she had to be nice. Many people have said to do time Outs in a cage, but I want free time to be that, so the post works better. Mind just happens to me on the floor because she hates it the most. Also! Trick/target training which her favorite treat helps. Conlan knows a bunch of tricks and it's strengthen our bond. When she gets edgy or nervous I can redirect her with tricks and out works like a charm!

Good luck with your new fid and thank goodness you saved her :) just remember Conures tend to think they are Eagles ha-ha. They think they are bigger and badder than they really are ;)

Well done in taking that poor little creature away from that horrible place. You did a very good thing...

There are so many experienced people on this forum with who will be mega helpful, but from what you say he sounds like a lovely little bird; just traumatised. So loads and loads of patience, he will need some time to settle down and understand that he has a great home!

Good luck - keep us all posted on how you are getting on day by day.
pepper does seem to be doing alot better with me and my oldest son.we have done time outs which seemed to make it a little worse because she would bide her time then chomp at the first opportunity lol.we started using rubber backed garden gloves that have been a lifesaver.she doesnt even try to go in for a bite when we have it on.what i found really interesting is that my mom doesnt really put the glove on consistantly.pepper seems to be bonding with her.she will snuggle up to her and love all on her then i see she gets this look like ha watch this and sure enough she will bite her.she usually does it in a way that mom cant see it coming then she will get down and come back to me.if she wasnt leaving big ole bruises it would be comical how sneaky she is lol.last night she snuggled up under my chin and decided that was the place she was going to sleep.everytime i tried to put her in the cage she would start throwing me kisses and saying pepper good girl.i think she may be more content if i found her a place outside of her cage to go to for the you think that would be ok? when i finally put my foot down and made her settle in she hung from the side of the cage all pitiful.i almost let her sleep on my neck because of boys were never as bad as her going down for the night and one of them was a little monster ;) oh 2 more questions...she doesnt really want to bathe.i have gotten her to get in water twice but only by me playing in it with my hand.its almost like she has never tried to take a bath before.i had a starling that would bathe 7 or eight times a day from the time he was feathered and discovered a dish with water in it on the table.
last question...that head bobbing thing they that excitement?it seems to be but i am not sure
yea....i havent brushed my hair and pepper has been grooming me since dawn but her she is :)
Hiya - sounds like you are making progress...

I think a separate sleeping cage is a great thing - does not have to be large; JellyBean's cage has his sleeping tent in it and water - that is all - no toys etc. It is in a very quiet and dark part of the house. He just flies there in the evening when he is tired. Safe place for him.

They will have a bath when they want - I think that it just takes more time with some birds... be patient!

Yes, the head-bobbing is excitement and "I want to be with you"!!!

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