Another bird?


New member
Jul 21, 2017
Pip the Pineapple GCC
Hatch Date: May 20, 2017
Hi All,

I am looking to get another bird but I am concerned about having another species of bird in the house with my little pineapple GCC. Of course, they would both have separate cages but I am hoping they would get along enough to be out of their cages at the same time. I understand that this may not happen. My question to you all is, what kind of other birds do you have in addition to your conure/s and how do they get along?
I have a Nanday Conure and a Sun Conure. I know they are both conures but they are pretty different in size. My sun is small for his species and the Nanday is big for his species. They get along fine and they can be out together but aren't that into each other.
I have several species in my home at any give moment because on top of my own flock we foster.

My GCCs usually don’t get along with the others. In fact as a rule my parrots prefer to keep their distance from each other except within their own freind cliques.

Cockatiels and budgies seem to be the least likely to go after another bird, and other Conures will have the most similar social needs and cues. In the end it depends on the personalities and how you introduce them.

Ultimately though, don’t go off what you think he will like; only get a bird if you absolutely cannot live without that bird. Pick your bird for YOU not for your bird :)

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Maybe a simmilar size bird? Another Conure or Quaker. Dont get a Caique though as they arnet other bird friendly x
I have a GCC with two budgies and a cockatiel. They all come out of their cages together and apart from the conure being bossy with the other birds, they all get along fine. The conure is most aggressive, so the other birds keep their distance from him.
with a pineapple....and I have no reason to back this up, admittedly I'm just guessing here, I'd get a cocktail or any variety of GCC. something along the same size.... PIP will be the alpha, get something not that big that will challenge.......get something not too small that will be a gcc chew toy....
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Thanks guys! Ya'll have been super helpful!
with a pineapple....and I have no reason to back this up, admittedly I'm just guessing here, I'd get a cocktail or any variety of GCC. something along the same size.... PIP will be the alpha, get something not that big that will challenge.......get something not too small that will be a gcc chew toy....

Double ditto!
Fortunately (unfortunately?) the Rb is so aggressive and territorial that I've never even dared to think of another bird...
Many here have found that they have to separate birds permanently... some have been fortunate and multiple birds get along.
You just never know! Never, ever.
Good for you for being so responsible and serious, and for reaching out!
I think that as long as you're willing to deal with whatever happens (e.g., separating them, if needed, handling added expenses, etc.), you sound like a great parront.
Good luck!
Keep us posted, please.
We don't bring in anything bigger than the IRN's. The lovebird was the most recent addition, partially chosen for his ballsy nature. I guess it's like an arranged marriage - you know the personality of the bird you have, so you kinda seek out one that would compliment it, and hope for the best.

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