Another bird?


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Lilo - Female Green Cheek Conure ~ Pal - male cockatiel ~ Pheobe - female cockatiel
Soo as most of you know, we would like to get another bird and we are most likely to get an IRN parakeet but will Lilo be mad at me and hate me for that and if she does, will she ever get over it? Thanks for the answers! :)
I'd say go for it.

I personally wouldn't ever have a one bird house hold; simply because though its good for our birds to be with us... having another bird around reminds them that they ARE birds. Even if they don't get along...

Porter tolerates Daffy and Blue... but when I'm at work?

Its a chorus; and in that aspect he's never alone and neither are they. Even if they can't directly interact, they don't feel alone and thats an important thing in my book. Most birds after all are flock animals and in the wild are never alone; even if they don't like their flock mates another bird is ALWAYS there.

So a bird solitary and by itself during the day even with toys and such around it.. in my personal opinion isn't made to be that way.

So even though we put our birds in cages... at least the feeling of 'not being alone' can be given to the flock.

Might be why so many bird lovers have more than one bird.

So I'd say go for it; if you can offer the same amount of time for each bird... adequate cage requirements and such then whats the problem?

Just be careful when introducing them; IRN's are a little bigger than conures so.. watch for spats.

Given time to adjust I think she'll be just fine.
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Thanks! I cannot live in a one bird home! I have enough time so why not! And when they are out at the same time, they will be supervised totally!

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