Animal Planet Outreach - Animal Hoarding

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New member
Jun 21, 2011
Hello bird lovers!

I wanted to post this because I know you all are active in the pet community online and that you're advocates of animal rights and probably would care about this issue.

I'm a researcher for the series Confessions: Animal Hoarding, currently airing on Animal Planet that tells the stories of people overwhelmed by the number of pets they own. The problem is on the rise and affect communities across America.

We've had several hoarders on our show that had birds, rabbits, cats, dogs, snakes, rats, racoons and several other farm and exotic animals . We're trying to spread news wide and far about how we can help address the issue of animal hoarding for both the people and their pets.

Most animal hoarders don’t see themselves as hoarders, and sometimes don’t intentionally collect animals. Most of these situations aren’t dealt with until they become criminal. This results in animals being euthanized by over-stressed shelters, and doesn’t address the underlying psychological issues - meaning nearly 100% of people end up in the same situation again.

We are dedicated to finding comprehensive long-term solutions and believe therapy to be key to this. We can bring in experts to help.

If you or someone you know needs help because animals have overrun their life, visit Animal Hoarding Project | Home to learn more and submit their story. Alternatively, email [email protected] or toll-free at 1 -877-698-7387.

We will treat all submissions with confidentiality and respect.

Please share this information with your network, we want to help as many people as we can.

Thanks so much! :rainbow1:
I'd feel a lot better about helping if it weren't Animal Planet, who openly subsidizes piracy on the high seas.
I'd feel a lot better about helping if it weren't Animal Planet, who openly subsidizes piracy on the high seas.

What is this?
If I remember right, Animal planet hosted quite a bit of shows that aired a few groups known to 'attack' ships that they saw as harmful to the environment and animals. Like one that attacked passing ships that passed over killer whale grounds.

While their efforts are valiant, they are still illegal and create no good relations for anyone.
I'd feel a lot better about helping if it weren't Animal Planet, who openly subsidizes piracy on the high seas.

What is this?
If I remember right, Animal planet hosted quite a bit of shows that aired a few groups known to 'attack' ships that they saw as harmful to the environment and animals. Like one that attacked passing ships that passed over killer whale grounds.

While their efforts are valiant, they are still illegal and create no good relations for anyone.

Are you talking about "Whale Wars"? I'm ALL for those people!!!!!!!!!!!! They're doing a wonderful thing saving the whales! I was in reef club before and we both really enjoy marine life. Those Whalers would hunt the whales to extinction which is what happened to a lot of animals on our planet, being hunted to extinction. IF I could be on their ship, I would do the same thing!!!
If they are talking about Whale Wars I am all for that too. I mean, really who wouldn't be?
I mean, really who wouldn't be?

Anyone who values the life of a human being over that of a whale.

Anyone who is against piracy.

Anyone who respects the rule of Law.
They're doing a wonderful thing saving the whales!

So you would help in trying to cripple and/or sink a merchant vessel in freezing waters? Without engines, it just takes one strong wave to sink one of those ships...dooming all aboard to drowning. People just trying to make a living. I hope no eco-terrorists decide that they don't like what you do for a living.
Totally agree. There is no justification for endangering lives of people just trying to make a living. You wouldnt accept it if it were done in the name of saving the life of say, a cow, so why a whale? If the species they were targeting was endangered I might be a bit more sympathetic but the fact is...the bulk of the targets are Minkes, Pilots etc...there millions of them. Too many!
We seem to have been so******ed into a very strong emotional attachment to whales......enough to sanction piracy......
I may be slightly biased having had many many dealings with whales during my career. They are not my favourite animal..
I think what they are doing is wonderful and thats where I stand on it.
I think what they are doing is wonderful and thats where I stand on it.

I agree...
Not saying I hate humans & want them to die... but I seriously prefer animals over humans most days. They were here first & the human population is destroying the earth. That's where I stand..

But anywho, we watch Animal Planet religiously & hoarders is a great program. I have said time & time again while watching it I can definitely relate & would most likely be a "hoarder" if I was alone and not married. I have the mentality of most of the "hoarders" they find on the show!
Dear friends, Helping people who have become animal hoarders is a good thing. Let us not get off track on another subject and create bad vibes among parronts ok? Bonita :rainbow1:
Humans are animals, very intelligent animals. So are whales and dolphins. We deserve equal rights to live.

Animal hoarders is a excellent show, that is very hard to watch - and thankfully I personally know no animal hoarders that I could direct to you. I cry just watching the show, I can't imagine what it would be like to have a friend who was in that situation :(

Good for you guys for going out there and trying to help these people.
Animal Planet pushes their anti let agenda by fear mongering and taking interviews out of context. They butchered an interview with the director of a zoo about an amazing new venom protocol that saved lives, and made the guy out to be some crazy guy who thinks it was cool that he got bitten by a deadly snake.

They showed a man holding a non venomous corn snake and talking about how it was a copperhead rattlesnake (it was indeed a corn snake, and copperheads aren't rattlesnakes), and how it was the most venomous snake in the world (also a lie).

I could go on and on and on about why Animal Planet should not be supported, but it seems nobody is interested in hearing about it.
Animal Planet pushes their anti let agenda by fear mongering and taking interviews out of context. They butchered an interview with the director of a zoo about an amazing new venom protocol that saved lives, and made the guy out to be some crazy guy who thinks it was cool that he got bitten by a deadly snake.

They showed a man holding a non venomous corn snake and talking about how it was a copperhead rattlesnake (it was indeed a corn snake, and copperheads aren't rattlesnakes), and how it was the most venomous snake in the world (also a lie).

I could go on and on and on about why Animal Planet should not be supported, but it seems nobody is interested in hearing about it.

Animal planet like all networks are just looking for viewers. Therefore the shows that provide useful information are taken off the air and they play their rediculous mockumentaries.
Guys in Canada, try watching Oasis HD. Nature documentary central :D all I'm gonna say here lol if anyone else can get this channel, try it. And, I have a bad feeling this thread is gonna blow up. This is an oooooooolllllld thread that got brought up lol let's not stir up a moldy old pot, right? Forget moldy, I think this one fermented ;)
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