
New member
Mar 9, 2011
Hello, this might get long ..not sure yet - but i want to supply you with as much detail as possible to get the right kind of help

I have a beautiful WB named Tang. He is now almost 8 and have had him since he was 5-6 months.
He is banded and sexed and I know little about the breeder. So unfortunately I cant turn to her for help.

I have asked vets, I have gone to pet stores, and Ive checked online and have come up with very little anwers.
soooo... here goes..

A few years ago (mayeb 3) Tang started screaming. I had assumed it was because my ex and I started fighting a lot and thought the stress was getting to him. - we broke up, I moved and am now in a new relationship (has been a few years) and he is STILL screaming... now sure if it was just chance that he started or if he got into a bad habbit. It is sooo frustratiing. ITS ALL DAY - he doesnt stop - like litterally - he DOES NOT stop. I have tried everything - I cover him, I spend time with him and put him home and as soon as hes back he screams, I give him a treat, I turn on quiet music, I turn everything off and we sit in silence and he screams... it doesnt matter what I do - I have now resorted to a spray bottle and every time he starts I spray him - well - now he is affraid of them, he smells and Im sick of always feeling stressed about this.

Also, about 2 years ago - he started pluking. i thought it was because of being wet - so we stopped spraying in hopes it would help him grow feathers back, but it didnt, I have tried the aloe vera - but I think I wasnt using enough? I would be willing to try again if I was told the portion I should be using. I was putting about one part aloe to 3 parts water?
I left for Florida for 3 weeks this time last year and while I was gone, my BoyFriend stayed home and he grew almost all his feathers back. I came home and he started pluking again. SOOOOO - i guess hes mad at me????

PLEASEEEE help me with these two issues.
I have had him tested for health issues and he has come up clean.
I currently have him listed for sale in hopes he will go to someone who can help him and maybe he will be less stressed, but I really dont want to sell him.

thank so much for reading..
ps.. he is screaming while i write this... URGG!!!:rainbow1:
some bids can take a like and dislike to people, if he was ok with you're boyfriend and started plucking when you returned it would suggest he has issues with you. it might be simple in that he just likes men. or maybe mad at you for spraying him.
i don't know much about caiques so hopefully another member will step in, but they are known to be noisy.
also having aloe vera in the water can leave a residue on feathers when it dries and irritates them and birds will over preen to get rid of it which in turn can lead to plucking.
IMO i think your doing the right thing in thinking about finding your WB a new home. It's clear he has bad memories. And it seems nothing you do is making a difference. From what your saying i think your making the situation worse. Sorry i don't mean to be nasty. Sometimes we get backed into a corner & just can't find a way out, the more we try the worse we make things.

The only other solution i can think of is to contact Barbara Heindereich of she maybe able to shed some light on your problem. Below is a link to her site. - Google Search

I have taken in 2 screamers & they are both so well behaved for me. I think as much as they were loved in their previous homes they were totally bored. With me they interact with many different species of parrots.
Im gonna have to agree with Pedro on this one.... my birds scream, but mainly to get attention. But they have other birds there they all chatter away together all the time so they're not alone. You just need to see what is best for your bird and go from there.
my bird (black headed caique) only screams if i or my mum leave the room. he will scream if he knows we are in the house for 5 minutes and then accepts we are not coming back so stops.

Always very excited to see us when we do come back, whistling all his noises and tunes and immediatly plays with his toys.

Your description seems to point the birds anger/unhappyness at you being around. if this is the case then it will be a long road back and you will have to try and regain his trust.

every bird is different. Mine has the usual "stubborness", he is now playing on my top with a button but if i stop him i will get a growl and he will do his best not to get on me. mine is also very nervous of new people and will not go on them. will bite if they try to touch him. But thats just nerves.

Try feeding him very small pieces of nut or his favourite food through the bars of the cage while talking to him very quietly. Do this on your own not with your BF. Over time he may start realising that you are friendly and you are not threatning or he has no reason to dislike your presence.

Warning though, it will take a long time.

best of luck.
well you mentioned that you spend time with him and then when you stopped he screamed. if he was screaming before you spend time with him and then you spend time with him, your reinforcing the screaming. i hope this helped! also try

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