angry sun conure


New member
Dec 25, 2007
hello! I have a sun conure that is just over a year old now. He has never been a snuggly bird (very independant) but has always been nice. He usually flutters his wings to get picked up (doesnt like being pet) and just loves to sit and play around us. Three days ago I tried to take him off his perch and he screamed and lunged at me, took a bite out of my thumb and drew blood. I put him back in his cage and ever since he yells at me for coming near him, wont step up or come near me (he still does this with my bf though!!) I am just concerned that he will never let me near him again and that he will only bond with my bf. Is this a maturity phase? or has he just all of a sudden decided that he hates me? any help would be appreciated !
Hmm.. with any bird and negative behaviour there has to be a reason.
They don't just switch to being nasty for the heck of it :(

Now I'm not saying you did anything wrong!!! But it could've been something as simple as startling him when you went in to get him out of his cage. He might've been focused on something he saw or he didn't see your hand when it approached.

It could also be a maturity or hormonal phase in which if 'HE' is really a 'SHE', could be getting a little bit cage protective due to her being nesty.

I don't really know what to give for advice for his unusual behaviour (I wouldn't call it BAD lol) but all I can say is to not give him a reaction to it, just natter away to him call him a good boy and completely ignore his aggresive threats.

Watch his behaviour and also yours, if you have been (and please don't take offense when I say this) PMS'ing lately *giggles* or just a bit short tempered, he'll pick up on those subtle mood changes.
My two lovebirds both picked up on my down in the dumps mood and wanted NOTHING to do with me and only my boyfriend could handle them. I would get bitten or have verbal bird threats thrown my way :lol:

He might also be reacting to a change in routine or something you've changed. Say you've done your hair a different colour or painted your nails (a few members on my other forum have had their birds freak out over their brand new red painted nails haha)

Keep us updated :)
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well today he (and i am not sure if the sex is correct) is acting like his old self again. not too sure what went off in his mind but i am glad that he seems to be trusting me again !
is Mango molting? Could account for a lot of mood swings ... pin feathers are a Bit*h you know ... Hammie gets really moody when she is molting ... Just a thought :confused:
I havent had a sun for very long, but I do know my quaker acts very agressive towards men, which is why we believe its a male, maybe your sun is a female, if 'he' acts nice for your bf and not for you... I would question it. But then again my sun conure, has territory issues, she only lets me hold her if shes not on HER perches or on HER cage... very possesive. I hope that helps...
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well "mango" is back to his old self (not sure of the actual sex). He is extra snuggly to be exact. He spends most of his out time with me and some times goes to work with me (animal hospital). Mango has always seemed to like my bf better but i am glad that he is giving me love again.

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