Last night Nema (4 month old B&G) pretty much fought me the whole time I tried feeding her her formula. Basically he kept backing up and spitting it out. It was everywhere! During he past week she hasn't seemed as eager to get fed. She hasn't lost any weight so far. I have been expecting her to start doing this as part of her natural weaning process, but there are concerns. She's small. She has been small since bringing her home. Here is the background: she hatched 8/31, I brought her home 11/24. I had been going to the pet store and doing feedings at least 3 times a week for 2 weeks prior to bringing her home. I fed her 70 ml at her dinner feedings. After reading a slew of material I asked the pet store owner how she knew what amount to feed her as she didn't have a scale, she just said that's what the breeder told her or continue with until she was sold. Anyway, I brought her home as soon as I could get her cage here. I was SHOCKED when I weighed her, she was only 573 grams. If you remember my previous post I was very concerned. So I make a vet appointment. I live in Maine, in a small community. We have vets here just not avian vets within our area. So I get her in and the vet reassured me that Nema was fine, just little. I went armed with info at the vets, such as proper tests ect. I had to request them actually. He never offered to do them he just agreed when I requested them. Anyway, everything came back fine. Nema has been steadily growing since. She is currently just under 700 grams now. Needless to say I am worried about her weaning at such a light weight. She is constantly picking, playing and eating from her food dishes all day. She is especially fond of brocolli, blueberries and peas. She is playful and loves being around everyone. She had her wings clipped by he breeders before being in the pet store so sh can't fly yet. Not that she hasn't tried. On a few occasions she has jumped off of her cage and fluttered down, quit gracefully actually. She loves to get flapping crazy on top of the cage from ime to time.