Amigo' landing gear is down!

Mare Miller

May 14, 2011
sierra foothills of central California
13yr. old male umbrella cockatoo,
we call him Amigo!

7yr. old Goffin cockatoo, she IS Sassy!!
Thought I would share an action photo of Amigo flying in last night. He just finished doing his last cruise of the neighborhood and will soon be hunkering down for the night.
Gorgeous photo...
you do get the neatest pics of Amigo. thanks for sharing:D
Wow gorgeous !!!
I saw the thread and I got scared ,I thought something happened to Amigo !
Then I read it :). "whew". :) :) :) :)
I love "my boy" Amigo ;)
Wow gorgeous !!!
I saw the thread and I got scared ,I thought something happened to Amigo !
Then I read it :). "whew". :) :) :) :)
I love "my boy" Amigo ;)

I know me too!
Great pic!

Oh and ps luvmytoo, Amigo is mine!:D
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Haha! cdog and luvmytooo, if you had him, I'm not too sure you would know what to do with him! I bet you'd be sending him back, in a HURRY!
No , You got it wrong MareMiller, I would be moving in with you and Amigo :)
I would love to live in Cal ! Wanted to for so long , but probably never happen ...
My husbands roots are here and we wanted to move somewhere that the summers arent too hot and the winters not as bad as here. So , that leaves British Columbia :)
My dream , but for now , maybe my flock and I will come visit you and Amigo :)

cdog , your in for a fight , lolol , Amigo's MINE !!! I have TOO experience , so there ! :)
Do you have a flag? No flag no Amigo, sorry you cant have one. Those are the rules that, Ive just made up!
You may have too experience but I saw him first so ha! Lol. He's mine so you can't have him!

Cali is overrated, I hate it. So many people and not enough wildlife, at least where I live, I bet mares place is spectacular!
Flags are over rated ! Lolol. New rule ! Toy must have acrylic toys !
I have acrylic toys , TOOs love acrylic toys !

So there , Amigos mine , mine ,mine ,all mine.

Ha, I have a whole cage full of acrylic toys so he's mine! Lol
I have a protected tree forest thing in my backyard with loads of big trees, Amigo loves his trees so he's mine!:p
Nope ! Mine :) Him and Yoshi go way back , lolol.
Fine we'll share, I get him weekdays and every other weekend, you get him the rest of the time. But make sure he does his homework before he gets any sweets and no soda after 6pm. Lolol:p
:58: Whoooo !
Why do I only get him every other weekend and you get him
the rest of the time ?
Some how Im losing here , lolol.
I think well do it this way.....when he's not hormonal , he can come over my place and when he's feeling romantic , he can spend time with you :)

I think thats a fair breakdown of the calendar year , lololol.
I'm closer to him so I get him more.
I think you should get him when he's hormonal seeing how your a girl and he's a guy, it's perfect!

I think Mare will agree with me, I'm closer to her house so I can bring him back whenever and I don't have to ship him. However you would have to ship him to you, would you really want him to go through that?:p
The clear owner here is me! So haha, no Amigo for you! But don't wory I will send pics to you of us hanging out.
Oh your are just sooooo wrong my dear ;)
I plan on visiting and staying with Mare and her and my Amigo :)
So , really , IM closer :) Cant get any closer than that , lololol
Ha ha , I win :p
No Amigo for you , two years !
Oh how I miss that show , that was such a great episode :)
Ya well...I'm a guy so Amigo will want to hang out with me more, we can do bro stuff so ha!
I'm taller than you too so he will want to sit on me more so ha, I win again!:D
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Hey, Amigo needs a new forever home, which one of you wants to take him in? Hmmmm? He hates cages and has nothing to do with toys, they make him mad! Other than that, he's an awesome bird!! Oh, one more thing,,,he needs whole trees as chew toys, either that or wood trim floorboards, wood rocking chairs, wood window trim and sills also keep him happy. The only time he's really bothersome with his voice is when he's in the house and wants out of his cage.

Love you both and know you would give Amigo an amazing home!
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