Amazon in apartment.


New member
Jun 27, 2011
3 Budgies: Mango, Blues, Plum +2 Cockatiels: Chico, Mickey + 1 WF Amazon: Lucky
Hi, my name is Margaret and I'm owned by small parrots. For a while my dream bird is Amazon: YN or Panama. I seriously felt in love and if I may say I have to care-take of one 'zon.
I live in apartment and that's where is the problem. Exactly below me is office of management of the building complex. Before I get my 'zon, I want to do everything to sound proof my room- my little kids have their own room.
I read about carpet and heavy material under carpet, which should eliminate the noise from the floor, in case.
Do you have any suggestions what to do with the walls, ceiling wall and window?
I would be glad for any helpful information how to soundproof the room with some reasonable-price materials.
Thank you in advance!
I don't have any particular advice about soundproofing materials, but just wanted to note that my Amazon and I are also apartment-dwellers, and there haven't been any issues with noise complaints. I'd imagine my neighbors occasionally hear me and my bird, same as I can hear when they have people over, but it's an acceptable noise level at a normal time of day. I was worried at first that I'd end up being evicted because of my little squawker, but I actually think that moving into a smaller home has really helped control her noise level. When we lived in my parents' home, her screaming was really bad, I think in large part because the house was big and open, so she could hear people moving about in other rooms and not including her. Now that I have her cage and playstand in my living room, with the playstand affording her a view of the kitchen, she's pretty much always at the center of attention so has less need to scream. She only screams when I'm in the bathroom or getting dressed in my room in the mornings, or when she can't see me in the kitchen from her cage but she hears me rustling about. I'm really amazed with how much her behavior has improved since the move, and it goes to show how environment and cage placement can change things. I'm guessing from the fact that you already have other birds that minor noise isn't a big issue, just full-blown screeching?
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I've just noticed that you mentioned your birds having their own room - in that case you'll want to make sure that you have perches placed in more central parts of your apartment, for hanging out during the day-time when you're home. Hopefully the sound-proofing will be enough, but if your bird still manages to create too much noise, I'd recommend testing out having his cage in the living room. But perhaps having other birds chirping away in the same room will keep him company and keep him from listening so attently for human sounds from outside.
I also live in an apartment, management is right across the hall and he lives there. I haven't had a problem.
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Thank you for your responds!
I wanted to do everything before, not after. I was searching Internet and most info it was like Amazon is rather not for apartment. There is more detailed information about greys, 'toos and macaws than about 'zons.
My amazon and I get in singing matches on a daily basis, all my neighbors hear us and comment on how much they laugh. I live in a very pet friendly apartment complex though, so I would double check with the office.
My amazon and I get in singing matches on a daily basis, all my neighbors hear us and comment on how much they laugh. I live in a very pet friendly apartment complex though, so I would double check with the office.

Great advice!! Talk to the owner and management first. Just to be safe.

Amazon Parrots - Amazon Parrots as Pets - Amazon Parrot Species Profiles
Amazon Parrot Training | Training Amazon Parrots
What's Wrong With Amazons - Amazons - Joannie Doss
The Amazon Parrots: Information and Photos

Here's a few great very imforumative links
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I talk to manager before. Unofficially I can have a zoo here, he doesn't care unless I'll keep apartment clean and ... neighbors won't complain. And that's why I came here for help how to soundproof apt :)
I think I read something about using the egg carton holders that holds more than a dozen on walls, or search up a probable styrophone use.
Amazons, like any bird, are going to have their noisy times. Ricco, my beloved Mexican Red Head, was noisy in the morning (when I woke up, and left for work) and when I came home from work. They want to make sure their flock is there and okay. I live in an apartment, and I haven't had any issue with noise. I do, however, leave a radio on for him when I am gone.
Also, leave toys and foraging items for them to keep them busy during the day.
Hey Margaret,what if you involved your neighbors with your birds ?
Going off topic here (sound proof)

I love in an apartment as well, never had a problem with Mishka (African grey) Remember birds do have their moments where they are noisy, same as us humans.
Keep the bird's cage full of toys, to keep him occupied for hours on end. Foraging toys are fantastic, fill then up with different treats, paper etc every day, it keeps them very stimulated as well. Hang safe ropes and chains, they loved climbing. Make cd's using your voice, to play for the bird when you are not home, with saying you are trying to teach him. Leave the tv or radio on, it's company for him.
I may as well add my 2 cents worth here, since I currently have Loto (35 y/o B.F amazon) in my apartment.

She's for 99.9% of the time, quiet, no flock calls. Sure she'll natter to herself, whistle, call herself pretty bird and if I get involved by provoking her to sing, she'll start singing opera or yelling when I yell haha. And yes, the odd time (and this happened twice already) when my crazy neighbours start fighting she'll yell at them too - at least it shuts them up!!

My two lovebirds make more noise consistently than Loto - but overall, all 3 have their moments of noise making!
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Thank you all for respond. Now I don't fell like lonely and crazy person, who will be keeping 'zon in the apartment.
Henpecked, I learned that in the city there is better not involve your neighbors. It's better to be nice, say hi and that's it. But thanks for trying, I'm sure my Amazon won't be a problem for them, because I'm going to soundproof that one room, when my birds spend the most time. Plus I know my cute Amazon will come from a good hands :)

As of Egg crate foam pad or similar products, there is good article Egg Carton Soundproofing - Fact Or Myth? and the best solution is a mass on the wall.
For somebody, who may want soundproof his/her room in the future, there is plenty things to do, but they are too expensive, like this inside window(Soundproof Windows - Eliminate Your Noise Problem), which prize start from $600 :p
There is tons of companies, who sell soundproof products, and there is now tons of ideas in my head, how to do it by myself cheaper way. For windows I can buy very thick plastic foil and for rest there is Home Depot and Menards.
As for a lot of toys, I don't think my big bird will be crying for them, just to show you what I did for small ones: or
I do know that for Amazon will need more solid play gym, but that's possible to do.
Again, thank you all for respond and your ideas. I believe I clicked "Thanks" for everybody, who said something constructive in this topic ;)
My Amazon Calli must be weird. He is so quiet people are shocked to discover we have a parrot at all.
You've done all the right stuff.. checking with the landlord first and foremost, and all the other advice about toys etc is sound too.
Just want to wish you good luck with your new baby when he/she arrives! Hope you're as lucky as we are with ours... sooooo quiet! :D
talk to the landlord an i think the involving your nieghbours is a good thing! but remember some ppl just dont do well with birds! i keep forgetting that lol so all good advice here :)
not sure about paddin out your walls lol as i'd imagine all them knobbly bits would make a great shredding toy for your new bird :)

but NO carpet! lol accidents take forever to get out!

keep us up dated
I'll probably wind up in an apartment, townhouse or a unit type house at the end of my lease here since my house mates are moving away then and I can't afford the rent on my own (yay for uni students) so lots of this has been interesting!

Lucky for me Alex is pretty quiet for a Jenday, and most places here are pretty ok with birds. Wether he continues to be quiet as he ages will wait to be seen. I think I might start looking at soundproofing now just in case anyway.
Thank you all for respond. Now I don't fell like lonely and crazy person, who will be keeping 'zon in the apartment.
Henpecked, I learned that in the city there is better not involve your neighbors. It's better to be nice, say hi and that's it. But thanks for trying, I'm sure my Amazon won't be a problem for them, because I'm going to soundproof that one room, when my birds spend the most time. Plus I know my cute Amazon will come from a good hands :)

As of Egg crate foam pad or similar products, there is good article Egg Carton Soundproofing - Fact Or Myth? and the best solution is a mass on the wall.
For somebody, who may want soundproof his/her room in the future, there is plenty things to do, but they are too expensive, like this inside window(Soundproof Windows - Eliminate Your Noise Problem), which prize start from $600 :p
There is tons of companies, who sell soundproof products, and there is now tons of ideas in my head, how to do it by myself cheaper way. For windows I can buy very thick plastic foil and for rest there is Home Depot and Menards.
As for a lot of toys, I don't think my big bird will be crying for them, just to show you what I did for small ones: or
I do know that for Amazon will need more solid play gym, but that's possible to do.
Again, thank you all for respond and your ideas. I believe I clicked "Thanks" for everybody, who said something constructive in this topic ;)

Margarita I love your wall bird gym. I am struggling to source coir net though. :( I am picking up a blind cockatiel today and trying to figure out cage set up and bird gym set up for him. I think you wall idea is great but not sure if it will suit him but definately going to do it for my other birds. (found it last week when searching for bird gym ideas with Mr 7 who wanted to build a 5 tiered bird gym until he saw your idea. Thankyou for sharing and any tips on building a gym like this are appreciated.

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