AM or PM?


New member
Nov 12, 2016
Sun Conure
Hello, I'm back with a new question, if I were planning on purchasing the sweet conure, would I want to purchase him early in the morning say around 9am when the store opens or would I want to wait until the pm? I wouldn't want him to be too ruffled by the whole experience, it's super important that he's comfortable through the whole ordeal. I'm not even sure this little detail matters I'm actual wondering more of personal experience or preference. Any help is greatly appreciated :)
I wouldnt worry about what time you buy one. There was definitely no rhyme or reason for what time I went to different places when I was looking. If I had to pick morning or afternoon, Id probably say morning as the birds probably just ate and are ready for the day, plus not as many people have come by yet which could tire or stress some of them. I wouldnt stress over it though.
Yep totally agreee with loko. Time of day doesn't matter.
I see why you would ask this. If you get the bird in the early in the day the bird has all day to settling in and then sleep off the busy day. Now if you get the bird at night during the end us the day. So you just take the bird home and let it sleep than the next day it will get use to it's home.

I bought my Sprinkles home around 6 pm. Set up his cage and let him just chill in it. the next day he was ready to play he was happy and outgoing from day one nothing bothers this bird. So for him It would not have mattered what time of the day I got him. I waited because I thought about it all day at work then drove down and bought him. I visited him 3 times at the store and bought him on the 3rd time.

For most birds I don't think is matters. Just make sure to leave them alone when you do bring them home. Let them just chill after a stressful move.

What kind of bird are you looking to get?
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I see why you would ask this. If you get the bird in the early in the day the bird has all day to settling in and then sleep off the busy day. Now if you get the bird at night during the end us the day. So you just take the bird home and let it sleep than the next day it will get use to it's home.

I bought my Sprinkles home around 6 pm. Set up his cage and let him just chill in it. the next day he was ready to play he was happy and outgoing from day one nothing bothers this bird. So for him It would not have mattered what time of the day I got him. I waited because I thought about it all day at work then drove down and bought him. I visited him 3 times at the store and bought him on the 3rd time.

For most birds I don't think is matters. Just make sure to leave them alone when you do bring them home. Let them just chill after a stressful move.

What kind of bird are you looking to get?

Yes! Those were my thought exactly about the time of day! Would he need all day to adjust or would he be better coming home later and sleeping the night through. I guess it would be different for each bird, thank you so much for you experience! And the little conure I'm looking at is what ignorant PetSmart calls a "fancy conure" but I did some research and I'm pretty sure he's a sweet little jenday :)
I see why you would ask this. If you get the bird in the early in the day the bird has all day to settling in and then sleep off the busy day. Now if you get the bird at night during the end us the day. So you just take the bird home and let it sleep than the next day it will get use to it's home.

I bought my Sprinkles home around 6 pm. Set up his cage and let him just chill in it. the next day he was ready to play he was happy and outgoing from day one nothing bothers this bird. So for him It would not have mattered what time of the day I got him. I waited because I thought about it all day at work then drove down and bought him. I visited him 3 times at the store and bought him on the 3rd time.

For most birds I don't think is matters. Just make sure to leave them alone when you do bring them home. Let them just chill after a stressful move.

What kind of bird are you looking to get?

Yes! Those were my thought exactly about the time of day! Would he need all day to adjust or would he be better coming home later and sleeping the night through. I guess it would be different for each bird, thank you so much for you experience! And the little conure I'm looking at is what ignorant PetSmart calls a "fancy conure" but I did some research and I'm pretty sure he's a sweet little jenday :)

Either way, each bird will adjust at their own rate regardless of time you bring them home. I would just go whatever time works best for you r schedule rather than seek out a specific time of the day because it wont make any difference and could complicate your day for no reason.
Its really horribly amazing that a "pet" store would be ignorant enough to not know the actual common name of one of their animals.. unless Im missing out on the fancy name for a jenday..? I dont think so. It could be a sun conure too if its a baby, as young suns have green wing feathers until their first moult. The two are very similar, I have a sun and he is great and has been my loyal little buddy for 3 years, but remember they have a loud loud call for how little they are.
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I see why you would ask this. If you get the bird in the early in the day the bird has all day to settling in and then sleep off the busy day. Now if you get the bird at night during the end us the day. So you just take the bird home and let it sleep than the next day it will get use to it's home.

I bought my Sprinkles home around 6 pm. Set up his cage and let him just chill in it. the next day he was ready to play he was happy and outgoing from day one nothing bothers this bird. So for him It would not have mattered what time of the day I got him. I waited because I thought about it all day at work then drove down and bought him. I visited him 3 times at the store and bought him on the 3rd time.

For most birds I don't think is matters. Just make sure to leave them alone when you do bring them home. Let them just chill after a stressful move.

What kind of bird are you looking to get?

Yes! Those were my thought exactly about the time of day! Would he need all day to adjust or would he be better coming home later and sleeping the night through. I guess it would be different for each bird, thank you so much for you experience! And the little conure I'm looking at is what ignorant PetSmart calls a "fancy conure" but I did some research and I'm pretty sure he's a sweet little jenday :)

Either way, each bird will adjust at their own rate regardless of time you bring them home. I would just go whatever time works best for you r schedule rather than seek out a specific time of the day because it wont make any difference and could complicate your day for no reason.
Its really horribly amazing that a "pet" store would be ignorant enough to not know the actual common name of one of their animals.. unless Im missing out on the fancy name for a jenday..? I dont think so. It could be a sun conure too if its a baby, as young suns have green wing feathers until their first moult. The two are very similar, I have a sun and he is great and has been my loyal little buddy for 3 years, but remember they have a loud loud call for how little they are.

I'm glad to hear it doesnt matter for the bird :)
Yes, i asked "is it a sun conure?" she said "No, its a fancy conure." and its neither. he lacks the yellow. he has an orange-green-ish head with solid green wings and solid blue tail. dark like a jenday but a sweet baby indeed. i looked up plenty of pictures. next time if i go back and dont purchase him i will for sure snap a few pictures of the sweet little guy. he comes right up and lightly nibbles on our fingers. :3 :orange:
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:33:Does he look like this?
Thats a "Nansun" .. Nanday x Sun hybrid. If not that, what color is its breast/stomach area? Curious now.. :33:
Definitely get a picture if you can or if you find one post it!

no red on the head.
like this.

but, you know, i dont have perfect memory. so ill have to get some pictures :)

Ohh okay, the greenish orange threw me off. In that case I would say hes either a jenday (like the picture) like you said, or possibly a sunday.. jenday/sun hybrid. Regardless, I cant believe a pet store would not know this, unless they are hybridizing Jendays and Suns and calling them "Fancy". If that were the case, keep your wallet in your pocket and go somewhere else. I would definitely be very wary when you go back. A pet store offering a "fancy" conure rings a lot of warning bells in my head. I would ask what a "fancy" conure is, and press them a little bit on whether or not hes a Jenday or a hybrid just to see their response and depending on that, decide if they are your best choice. Not sure how confrontational you are but Im curious what they have to say. Also see what theyre feeding him. They seem somewhat ignorant so Im guessing its not the best diet, which could complicate things when you bring him home and want to feed him healthier food. Just some things to keep in mind. Good luck with everything anx keep us updated.
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:33:Does he look like this?
Thats a "Nansun" .. Nanday x Sun hybrid. If not that, what color is its breast/stomach area? Curious now.. :33:
Definitely get a picture if you can or if you find one post it!

no red on the head.
like this.

but, you know, i dont have perfect memory. so ill have to get some pictures :)

Ohh okay, the greenish orange threw me off. In that case I would say hes either a jenday (like the picture) like you said, or possibly a sunday.. jenday/sun hybrid. Regardless, I cant believe a pet store would not know this, unless they are hybridizing Jendays and Suns and calling them "Fancy". If that were the case, keep your wallet in your pocket and go somewhere else. I would definitely be very wary when you go back. A pet store offering a "fancy" conure rings a lot of warning bells in my head. I would ask what a "fancy" conure is, and press them a little bit on whether or not hes a Jenday or a hybrid just to see their response and depending on that, decide if they are your best choice. Not sure how confrontational you are but Im curious what they have to say. Also see what theyre feeding him. They seem somewhat ignorant so Im guessing its not the best diet, which could complicate things when you bring him home and want to feed him healthier food. Just some things to keep in mind. Good luck with everything anx keep us updated.

yes i understand pet stores aren't the best place to purchase birds, but the fact that the store is so ignorant and careless fears me. what if they just sell him to any old bloke? someone who doesnt know? what if his bad diet ruins his health for life as well? i want the bird to save him from all the horrible things people do and that could happen. they only feed him a mixture of some colored manufactured bird pellets. the colorful ones shaped like flowers and exes. not zupreem, im not sure what brand it is, and i see in the bottom of his bowl that there were some millet and a little bit of sunflower. he doesnt even have straight across branches to hang out on, just some dinky misshapen vertical drift wood tree with a ladder zip tied on. one toy too far from said tree for him to play with he has to crawl to the top and climb on the toy just to play with it. he chills on the bottom and plays with the pellet bedding because of lack of flat grip-able surface. when you walk up and stick your fingers through he struggles to navigate the tree/ladder monstrosity just to stick his beak through the bars and nibble and lick on our fingers and it breaks our hearts.
:( :orange:
no red on the head.
like this.

but, you know, i dont have perfect memory. so ill have to get some pictures :)

Ohh okay, the greenish orange threw me off. In that case I would say hes either a jenday (like the picture) like you said, or possibly a sunday.. jenday/sun hybrid. Regardless, I cant believe a pet store would not know this, unless they are hybridizing Jendays and Suns and calling them "Fancy". If that were the case, keep your wallet in your pocket and go somewhere else. I would definitely be very wary when you go back. A pet store offering a "fancy" conure rings a lot of warning bells in my head. I would ask what a "fancy" conure is, and press them a little bit on whether or not hes a Jenday or a hybrid just to see their response and depending on that, decide if they are your best choice. Not sure how confrontational you are but Im curious what they have to say. Also see what theyre feeding him. They seem somewhat ignorant so Im guessing its not the best diet, which could complicate things when you bring him home and want to feed him healthier food. Just some things to keep in mind. Good luck with everything anx keep us updated.

yes i understand pet stores aren't the best place to purchase birds, but the fact that the store is so ignorant and careless fears me. what if they just sell him to any old bloke? someone who doesnt know? what if his bad diet ruins his health for life as well? i want the bird to save him from all the horrible things people do and that could happen. they only feed him a mixture of some colored manufactured bird pellets. the colorful ones shaped like flowers and exes. not zupreem, im not sure what brand it is, and i see in the bottom of his bowl that there were some millet and a little bit of sunflower. he doesnt even have straight across branches to hang out on, just some dinky misshapen vertical drift wood tree with a ladder zip tied on. one toy too far from said tree for him to play with he has to crawl to the top and climb on the toy just to play with it. he chills on the bottom and plays with the pellet bedding because of lack of flat grip-able surface. when you walk up and stick your fingers through he struggles to navigate the tree/ladder monstrosity just to stick his beak through the bars and nibble and lick on our fingers and it breaks our hearts.
:( :orange:

I totally understand how you feel and thats a battle all of us face every time we go to a place. Although I dont know them and cant say they dont know what they are doing, anyone can look up the right name at least for a species. The pellets youre referring to are probably Kaytee colored pellets, which is better than I expected you say. Better than all seeds by far, so thats good. And the tree perch you described is actually much better than straight across dowel perches. Those straight round perches can actually cause birds to develop many problems with their feet as they get older; tree like branches with different diameters and bumps are actually much better, though one that would suit a macaw shouldnt be given to a conure as its feet would be flat as if on the floor due to the huge diameter. Its probably just not situated in the best way in his cage or maybe another one from front to back would help so he can get to the front. If its similar to this, this is what I have for Loco:

It seems he is being treated well compared to some places that unfortunately exist, so that is good, but I know how it feels to leave and go home while he or she stays in the store. Let us know what you end up doing!
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Ohh okay, the greenish orange threw me off. In that case I would say hes either a jenday (like the picture) like you said, or possibly a sunday.. jenday/sun hybrid. Regardless, I cant believe a pet store would not know this, unless they are hybridizing Jendays and Suns and calling them "Fancy". If that were the case, keep your wallet in your pocket and go somewhere else. I would definitely be very wary when you go back. A pet store offering a "fancy" conure rings a lot of warning bells in my head. I would ask what a "fancy" conure is, and press them a little bit on whether or not hes a Jenday or a hybrid just to see their response and depending on that, decide if they are your best choice. Not sure how confrontational you are but Im curious what they have to say. Also see what theyre feeding him. They seem somewhat ignorant so Im guessing its not the best diet, which could complicate things when you bring him home and want to feed him healthier food. Just some things to keep in mind. Good luck with everything anx keep us updated.

yes i understand pet stores aren't the best place to purchase birds, but the fact that the store is so ignorant and careless fears me. what if they just sell him to any old bloke? someone who doesnt know? what if his bad diet ruins his health for life as well? i want the bird to save him from all the horrible things people do and that could happen. they only feed him a mixture of some colored manufactured bird pellets. the colorful ones shaped like flowers and exes. not zupreem, im not sure what brand it is, and i see in the bottom of his bowl that there were some millet and a little bit of sunflower. he doesnt even have straight across branches to hang out on, just some dinky misshapen vertical drift wood tree with a ladder zip tied on. one toy too far from said tree for him to play with he has to crawl to the top and climb on the toy just to play with it. he chills on the bottom and plays with the pellet bedding because of lack of flat grip-able surface. when you walk up and stick your fingers through he struggles to navigate the tree/ladder monstrosity just to stick his beak through the bars and nibble and lick on our fingers and it breaks our hearts.
:( :orange:

I totally understand how you feel and thats a battle all of us face every time we go to a place. Although I dont know them and cant say they dont know what they are doing, anyone can look up the right name at least for a species. The pellets youre referring to are probably Kaytee colored pellets, which is better than I expected you say. Better than all seeds by far, so thats good. And the tree perch you described is actually much better than straight across dowel perches. Those straight round perches can actually cause birds to develop many problems with their feet as they get older; tree like branches with different diameters and bumps are actually much better, though one that would suit a macaw shouldnt be given to a conure as its feet would be flat as if on the floor due to the huge diameter. Its probably just not situated in the best way in his cage or maybe another one from front to back would help so he can get to the front. If its similar to this, this is what I have for Loco:

It seems he is being treated well compared to some places that unfortunately exist, so that is good, but I know how it feels to leave and go home while he or she stays in the store. Let us know what you end up doing!

i understand the natural perches are better, by straight across i didnt mean dowel branches i meant just a more horizontal placement rather than at a 60 degree angle to the ground. what i mean by it not being suitable is that its all at a slant and its too big and slippery for him to grip. its almost 7 inch diameter tree branch, he definitely needs a smaller one and a little more horizontal because the only place he can stand with his feet at the same height is on the ladders. if no ones paying attention to him he just plays/eats at the bottom for lack of proper branching. and its only the single tree perch. when i go back Ill get some pictures.

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