Almost got a Parrottlet


Active member
Jan 14, 2015
San Antonio
Cora lovebird
Sky parakeet
Off of craigslist. The birds are 50 miles away and I was more than happy to be on my way right now to go pick up. She wanted me to wire the money and wait for delivery. I am not ok with that.
Definitely sounds like a scam. I know you must be disappointed:(
What a shame it was (most likely) a scam. Parrotlets are adorable:) I've been tempted a few times myself by those little guys!
Our lil 2 yo girl Kiwi is mounting up storm, so she is a little cranky at the moment. But she is a little gem.
Off of craigslist. The birds are 50 miles away and I was more than happy to be on my way right now to go pick up. She wanted me to wire the money and wait for delivery. I am not ok with that.

I hope you don't give up your search... They are wonderful lil birds. There are some really good and dedicated breeders out there.
Wire the money when you're only 50 miles away?! Like she thought you'd fall for that! Sad thing is she'll keep trying until someone does.
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Yeah highly suspicious she's too busy to let me come to her but she has time to let the delivery guy come. How is me picking up any different. I almost offered to pay half now half on delivery. Then I thought even if she sent it to me she might send a sick bird.
RavensGryF is right, this person will keep trying until someone falls for her scam. Please don't let it be you. These types of scams happen all the time. I advertised furniture from an estate sale we were doing, these people were relentless, until I finally told them that if they contacted me again with their scam I was going to report to the authorities. Many of these people are even out of the country (India, Africa etc.) A sad reality of the times we are living in,
Yeah highly suspicious she's too busy to let me come to her but she has time to let the delivery guy come. How is me picking up any different. I almost offered to pay half now half on delivery. Then I thought even if she sent it to me she might send a sick bird.

This has me worried that you will fall for the next scam. You seem to be under the impression that there are actually birds being sold. There most likely are not. The reason "she" insist on delivery is so that you pay first and they get the money and then nothing is delivered because there never was any bird for sale.
It's a complete scam and whoever posted the ad is probably not anywhere near where they claim to be and are probably in another country entirely.
Yep, works both ways,, when we were selling puppies, we would get offers for more than our asking price,, paid by cashier's check. They were going to send someone to pick up puppy and we were to pay that person out of the 'extra' monies!

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