Alexandrine Vocalizations

That bird is definitely imitating something it's heard, that's not a natural Alex noise. I can't make a video of my alex's scream, as he only screams when I'm gone.
The first noise it makes is what there squawk sounds like :)
I have 2 Alex's and had to re home one other due to the incessant screech. Each bird is different. None of mine sounds anything like the ones in the videos. I really encourage mine to talk more to avoid prolonged calling which could get on your nerves. Lol you should probably visit a breeder who will let you listen to them in their breeding room. It sure cured me of wanting a macaw!
Both of mine make the same sound in the video I posted. Ive met other alexandrines who make the same sound.

They are very good at mimicking so it would be a good chance that the alexandrine would copy your conure but then again it might not. Alex has started to copy my IRN and she talks/makes cockatiel noises.
My alexandrines don't really make noise. Nor does my IRN.The noise they make is cockatiel sounds + human talk. So it's not really loud. I can say that other IRN's ive met are louder than my alexandrines :p

Personality wise (this is going by my IRN). Both are great talkers. Yuki and Kowhai (my IRN) both LOVE cuddles/scritches. Alex does like it but he has trust issues. He will only like it from certain people. Kowhai is very nippy, she loves cuddles but she loves to bite. Her biting has gone down since I first got her. My two alexandrines are the most gentle birds you would come across. Yuki will let anyone handle her, she is also very curious.

But I would think their personaility is quite similar. The main difference is the nippiness. In my own opinion I would prefer the alexandrine as they seem to be more laid back and a lot more gentle.
Normally, Ozzie (my alex) is not really loud, he will only scream in the morning and late afternoon, and it only last for about 5 minutes. Unless he is very existed, he will sceam a bit. But in general, my cockatiels are actually noisier than Ozzie, but Ozzie is louder when he screams.

I personally don't think Ozzie is really loud, but my parents sometimes does. I think it relate on how loud you can handle. I can handle cockatoo screams, probably because I have lots of wild ones around my house, so I'm already used to the sound. If I compare Ozzie with the cockatoos, Ozzie is nothing! I usually get hundreds of cockatoos flying around my house screaming before sun set.

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