Alexandrine Taking and squawking


New member
Jul 25, 2011
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Monte - Queen of Bavaria
Willow - Blue and Gold Macaw
If anyone is interested in buying a alexadrine here is a sample of the how high pitch the squawking can be but how clear they talk too..He is so loud my queen of bavaria seems like she gets annoyed by him..He has a pretty wide vocabulary and hand waves but here is a little sample of his favorite words..

[ame=""]Medori Talking Alexandrine - YouTube[/ame]
Dawww cute!!!!
Wow he does have a really loud squawk. Im glad Mr parrot's isn't that loud.
But I must say he is so darn cute! :D
You should hear him in person. My house has high ceilings and tile so it makes a nice echo..haha. Whenever I tell people what birds I have they automatically think the conure is the loud one but he is quite. My golden only makes nosie when I give her food, leave the room, and when I come home.

Medori makes more nosie but he just needs to be kept busy with toys and that pretty much keeps him quite when he is out on his stand. But in the cage every now and then he makes nosie and sometimes he can go for 30 mins.
Wow that is a very long time :O
Both of my Alex's are very quite, besides from there talking.
When Mr Parrot squawk's (happens when he is extremely excited.) he only does it like once or twice but that's it, after that it converts to talking. Like saying hello, what's that. Thats all he knows (well all that's clear.)

I would find it very hard to listen to that for 30 mins.
I just cant imagine the echoing.
My alex was a rehome..I'm guessing they game him away because of the noise because he is well trained just loud. It's funny because sometimes when he squawks he sometimes says quit scream or stop screaming medori then ok..His vocabulary is the following:

Stop it, quit screaming, what to play, hello in different voices, Edith my guess previous owner, Ryder my son's name, grandma, whats wrong, fine, and some other random words every once and a while and noises like throwing something in a metal trash can.. Noise is fine it's just the pitch..
Aww, that's so cute and cheeky.

And wow he does have a wide vocabulary.

Mr parrot's squawk, is loud but not that high pitched. It sounds like a seagull. But just louder.

Kashi (my new one) hasn't made any sounds yet.
Mr Parrot's has a lot of words I cannot understand.
Thanks for posting that video. I do agree that the pitch is what is painful. It is for my ears and I did not have the speakers on loud at all. He talks pretty good and has that cute voice when speaking words. Beautiful bird as well.

I listened to RFM's going off so I would know what they would sound like when they do their squawking and its loud but not as high pitch as your parrot. The RFM voice does carry so I will have to watch it when I have my windows open when its nice out.

My roommate has English budgies who are both males and they can get loud too. Their "loudness" can get annoying but I think its the pitch that annoys me and not the loudness.

Lol how cute! What an adorable talking voice!

I like how he's all "Hello Medori... Hi Medori... PEEP. PEEP. Hi Medori... *bird noise* Hi Medori... *click (or whatever that is* ... Hi Medori... PEEP. PEEP. Hi Medori... "

Nice ~~ love it ~~ adorable ^^
Thanks for posting that video. I do agree that the pitch is what is painful. It is for my ears and I did not have the speakers on loud at all. He talks pretty good and has that cute voice when speaking words. Beautiful bird as well.

I listened to RFM's going off so I would know what they would sound like when they do their squawking and its loud but not as high pitch as your parrot. The RFM voice does carry so I will have to watch it when I have my windows open when its nice out.

My roommate has English budgies who are both males and they can get loud too. Their "loudness" can get annoying but I think its the pitch that annoys me and not the loudness.


I don't mind noise it's the pitch too for me..They can make all the noise you want but if it's high pitch it can get annoying easier. So far the people I have talk to that have alexandrines there isn't as loud. Well when you get your RFM let me know I might wait another year to make sure it fits me..

Thanks everyone for the comments!
Hi Kobe

Jimmy does the same squawk, usually when I leave the room or if he can't see me, I can usually redirect him by talking normally at him and he starts chattering back. The worst he does is bark like our dogs every morning at 630am, we have started covering his cage at night as 630 in our house is just too early!!

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