Alexandrine parrot


New member
Feb 7, 2019
North wales
2 alexandrine parrots and 2 budgies
Hi, I have 2 alexandrine parrots, I've had them for 7 years, never bread them, but thought I would try and bread them, I put a nesting box in last week, the hen spends most of her time in there, moving around the wood chippings, she is very protective of the box, and won't let the clock in, he doesn't seem interested in mating with her, is there anything I can do?
hello and welcome!

Breeding is not something that should be done on a whim. I strongly recommend stopping this immediately. If you’ve never handreared parrrots before your very likely to wind up with dead chicks. And if they go into breeding, you’re likely to lose their companionship, as they likely will become feral.

Do not do this, please pull the nest box now.
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Hi, I've bred my budgies before, and read hours and hours about breeding them, there just doesn't seem to be too much about alexandrine on there.why do you say to sto this?
Welcome to you.ots to learn when breeding and raising chicks. Not from me because I have no experience. Though I know you have to have them on a great diet. And that it takes time for them to learn, abd to have fertile eggs, and sometimes they kill the chicks at first. Certainly a big undertaking, and time commitment.

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