Alexandrine noise levels???


New member
Nov 10, 2012
Hi guys, I have been seriously considering adopting an alexandrine into the family. I have been doing quite a bit of research and I'm quite excited about this however I live in suburbia and have heard quite consistently that these birds can be noisy so I just wanted to ask all you Alex owners what your birds are like in terms of noise?? Is it just dawn and dusk or all day?? Is it all screaming or just some babbling with the occasional scream. How loud are we talking?? Is it just going To wake up the next room or the next suburb?? I would love to hear your personal experiences as if I get enough responses to this it should paint a decent picture as I know every bird is different. I am more than willing to put in the time to give this bird all the attention and training it requires. I would just hate to adopt a bird only to have to rehome it because I'm upsetting my neighbours. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
Hi and welcome to the forum...

My alexandrine mostly chatter, but is never loud enough to keep me from sleeping after I've been on nightshift...

As long as you don't live in an apartment, you should be fine.

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