Alex & Me


New member
Jul 25, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Male Eclectus- Oscar and Female Eclectus- Scarlet
Has anyone else read Irene Pepperberg's novel? Alex & Me- How a Scientist and a parrot discovered a hidden world of animal intelligence- and formed a deep bond in the process
It's amazing, this grey was everything and more then I knew! What an amazing story. I couldnt imagine what it would be like to loose your best friend, as she tells the story about in her first chapter, the amount of people who this bird impacted on in unbelievable. Alex has opened my eyes to what wonderful and interesting minds out parrot friends have. Oh I need to get an African grey one day! Haha.
But seriously, read it! It's worth it :)
I purchased and read this book about a year and a half ago, the first week I got Molly. I wanted to learn as much as possible about parrots. I just loved the book. If you have not yet, a DVD just came out on Oct 1st.
I received it a few days later and watched it immediately. Loved it!
Because of this book I decided to get an AG:) I now have adorable young lady at home who brought so much happiness into my house!!!
Hopefully she enjoys at our home too
The book and video is absolutely mind blowing, all the wonderful things Dr Pepperberg achieved, working with Alex was amazing.
My favorite part was a scene with Dr. Pepperberg and Griffin when Alex took on the role as teacher!
I think the research she did was amazing, but two things bothered me. First I didn't like that he was kept clipped, as I don't like it when any bird is clipped. I mean, would he be forced to say things like wanna go back if he could just have flown back?

The second thing that bothered me is that all the birds pluck. Alex, Griffin, and I forget the name of the third one. Despite the amount of attention and care given to each bird, they pluck. If research is causing an animal to mutilate itself, it kinda bothers me.
I think the research she did was amazing, but two things bothered me. First I didn't like that he was kept clipped, as I don't like it when any bird is clipped. I mean, would he be forced to say things like wanna go back if he could just have flown back?

The second thing that bothered me is that all the birds pluck. Alex, Griffin, and I forget the name of the third one. Despite the amount of attention and care given to each bird, they pluck. If research is causing an animal to mutilate itself, it kinda bothers me.

I have viewed all the video's, and in most of them the birds had plucked. You are correct in saying no matter how much love and attention they received it still seems "odd" that they plucked so much.
I reckon is was through stress, the constant "learning" periods, they had to endure, had caused them to pluck.

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These birds were taken care of exceptionally well and always given the best.
Although I think the plucking was caused mainly by stress, when Alex didn't want to do sessions anymore he would say 'wanna go back' but not always was he taken straight back.
Not only was stress to blame but i also believe they were confused, Alex obviously bonded to Irene, but with all these other students and graduates spending so much time with him every day, and Irene spending a lot of time with the other greys, I think this would have stressed him just as much. She had them living in the lab, they each had their own room, and she also discovered one of them (I think it was Alo but I could be wrong) had ADHD. Imagine having to do several sessions a day learning "what color?, what matter?" ect over and over. I'd pluck too. But they never seemed to mention the plucking, let alone seem worried about this.
On the other hand I love Alex, and I'm glad someone like Irene did manage to prove to everyone how smart our birds really are. Even if it did take her almost 30 years.
Griffin and Kyo Will be just as entertaining as Alex was though I think!
Alex was a very loved and intelligent bird. Dr, Pepperburg and Alex totally changed the way the world sees parrots. The book is great and here is the link for the movie titled 'Life with Alex'.

Life With Alex

A portion of the proceeds will go towards The Alex Foundation
This week I ordered "Conversations with Cosmo". Have anyone red it?

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Nope! But I'm going to try it!
Ordered Dr. Pepperburg's other book, so that will be next on the list!
This week I ordered "Conversations with Cosmo". Have anyone red it?

Yes, I got it on audio and it has some clips of cosmo talking. Some of it is kinda scientific sounding but i really enjoyed the audio version. Not sure about the hard copy. One book I loved was Pickles the Parrot. I know it sounds like a kiddie book but its not, I laughed out loud thru the whole book. Ive read it twice now...highly recommend if you want a good laugh.
Just finished reading "conversations with Cosmo", nice book. I've learned some tips from it about AG's.
Adinafloyd, thanks for advising me "Pickles the Parrot", this will be my next book

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