Hello, Please i need help. My parrot is aggresive(i think). When i give hand into the cage he comes and he is opening beak. He is not hand-fed (i am not sure if i said this well) . I can feed him from hand when i feed him outside of cage, but from begin i was feeding him in the cage. Now i tried it and i can do it, but when i dont have nothing in hand he wants nip me. When i am near to the cage sometimes he normally looks on me but .)sometimes he is biting cage bars (i ll send video Btw: i dont know if it can cause this problem but my parrot have broken finger on leg, he had broken it when he was young and maybe this is reason why he is more on the cage bars than on the roost, i am not sure. There is video how my //arrot is biting cage bars: http o . Please3PP69nnY8www.youtube.com/watch?v=i i need help. I am trying to spend time with him, i am feeding him (in cage, too) but when i try to give finger to him he wants nip me. Thanks in advance and i hope u ll help me