Aggressive or scaried lovebird


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May 24, 2013
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Hello, Please i need help. My parrot is aggresive(i think). When i give hand into the cage he comes and he is opening beak. He is not hand-fed (i am not sure if i said this well) . I can feed him from hand when i feed him outside of cage, but from begin i was feeding him in the cage. Now i tried it and i can do it, but when i dont have nothing in hand he wants nip me. When i am near to the cage sometimes he normally looks on me but .)sometimes he is biting cage bars (i ll send video Btw: i dont know if it can cause this problem but my parrot have broken finger on leg, he had broken it when he was young and maybe this is reason why he is more on the cage bars than on the roost, i am not sure. There is video how my //:parrot is biting cage bars: http o . i need help. I am trying to spend time with him, i am feeding him (in cage, too) but when i try to give finger to him he wants nip me. Thanks in advance and i hope u ll help me :(
Can you give us the link again?

Is he going out of his way to bite you?

Or are you coming too close to him, going into his comfort zone, and then he's biting?
[ame=]VID20130520_184154 - YouTube[/ame] srry for bad link. He wanna biting when i am changing food in cage ... He is in background and when i am opening the door on cage and he comes and open beak.
That didn't look aggressive to me at all, he looked like he was just "beaking" and playing around. Also, if you put your hand near him and he opens his mouth, it may only be for him to explore your finger or even step up. Unless he's actively lunging at you then there's nothing to worry about. Give it a shot, out your hand up to him and see what happens, you might be surprised. Just don't snatch it away if his beak opens and he leans forward or you will get bit. Look for lunging, leaning is friendly.
I completely agree with Kalidasa... it looks to me like he's waiting for you to feed him, if he tries to 'bite' your fingers when you don't have food I'd say its more likely that he's looking for the food that you normally bring... Has he actually bit you? Did it hurt? I'd say he's just exploring and means no harm at all...
I tried give hand to him and he was dragging with opened beak. I am scared of bitting :D i tried give him hand from outside of cage and he was chewing my finger with a bit pressur so i gave hand away. Help pls i am not sure what to do :(
Now i tried give hand to him to the cage. 1stly he tried it with beak and then he nipped me harder :( what to do pls ? help :(
Just make sure you never snatch you hand away, and if that means you get bit, so be it, you shouldn't show him that it bothers you at all, or you'll have a problem. Take it slow, talk softly, but also, don't reach like you're scared or hesitating, because you'll scare him and he'll react. Take breaks, hang around and talk to him. Keep trying, this stage will pass quickly as long as you don't give up. You're a parrot owner now, which means bites are almost inevitable now (at first) but will smooth out later. Never take it personally, this is millions of years of instinct, it's not about him hating you or anything, he's a parrot, and parrots bite. But that instinct can be overridden with patience, patience, patience.
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No biggie, just try your best not to, because it sets you back. I looked at the article, yup it's pretty good, but you don't need a clicker, then you become dependent on it...if you want to click, just make the sound yourself. :). Cheer up. :). I PROMISE it gets better. Things are always awkward at first I'm sure you'll do fine, it's important to relax, because if your not, the bird will know and he won't relax's mind blowing how smart they are. Try to keep your hands empty (unless its food) because they watch what's in your hands, and the slightest thing can set them off--even a Chapstick! Lol!
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But pls what should i do ? He has never been outside of the cage. My mom said that she ll help me after month when we ll have holidays, cause she had tamed 2 cockatiels when she was young. Pls just help me what should i do and i ll try it. I wanna have nice and no bitting parrot :((((
IMO, waiting a month is a little too long, after a few days of settling in, I always begin right away, while their minds are open. Ok, try this, open the cage door slowly, and just lay your hand on a bar near him, but not the one he's on. He may flap around, but just leave your hand there limp, don't move it. If he bites, take the bite, don't move your hand or react. He will stop. Just leave your hand in there a few minutes, then withdraw. Then do it again, but for longer. See what he does, and it will let us know what sort of bird he is. :)
You just got to go thru it, he's not going to tame himself. I have confidence in you! :)
on other forum (link before) they said me to start again from begin.

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