Aggressive or playful?


New member
Mar 12, 2018
Hello again! It’s been a while since my last post. Before I had a similar problem when Misty (My budgie) suddenly started to bite me, however later on she grew out of it. Fast forward a few months, and then she went right back to it. It all started again once since she grew back her flight feathers. In a way I guess you could say she become quite... bratty? She takes treats from my fingers and isn’t afraid of my hands when I’m in her cage. It’s only when I want her to step up on my finger. She would bite for a few times until she flys off or I move her onto a perch. I don’t know if she’s starting to view my hand as a toy or she’s just doesn’t like my hand being near her anymore. However, another reason I believe she’s biting again is that she seen my cockatiel do it to me. Two months ago my parents gotten a untamed cockatiel from a family who couldn’t take care of him anymore. Since he had a bad experience with hands from the previous owners, he’s aggressive towards mine. So, there might be a chance Misty picked that up again by watching. The cockatiel isn’t completely terrified of me anymore now that 2 months has past, but perhaps Misty learned a thing or two from him. Then again that’s just my thinking.
Misty’s update:

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Have you tried asking Misty to step up for her favorite treats?
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Have you tried asking Misty to step up for her favorite treats?

Yes, that’s the only time she actually hops on. However, after she finishes the treat, she would start biting my fingers.

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my budgie has absolutely no fear towards me and my mom and has picked up a habit of biting us where our skin is most soft, like our ears neck and the squishy skin on our knuckles. he does it out of pure amusement and doesn't mean any harm but sometimes he bites at a sweet spot and it hurts haha :/ hes a terrorist
Yes, that’s the only time she actually hops on. However, after she finishes the treat, she would start biting my fingers

Apologies for late response.

If that is the case, then I'd recommend to either setting her down or keep feeding her treats so she never has an option to bite.

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