Advise on my new ring neck please


New member
Aug 21, 2016
Ringneck called Rio
Im really loving this group, everyone has been super helpful so far.
Ive decided its time to jump in and ask my questions if thats ok!
I brought Rio just over 2 weeks ago. He(not sure yet obviously) was a avairy breed bird and brought up by his parents.
Ive been reading though the bonding thread and its a great read.
One thing thats worrying me though is how flighty he still is.
I can walk up to the cage about 2 foot away and he stays on his perch, when i get closer than that he will fly to the back of the cage. If i need to put a hand in the cage to pick up fruit that hes dropped he flaps all over the cage.
Yesterday i got his favourite food(cantalope) and sat on the floor with my arm in the cage and didnt move, just held on to his treat. He did just sit on a perch and kept looking at it but wouldnt come close. Do i just keep doing that in the hope he will come over one day? I talk to him all the time and cant wait to have him out playing, but i know that will take time and patience
I am so glad you are enjoying the forum! You are on the right track with him, it is just going to take some time for him to trust you. Just sitting near him and talking to him is going to help a lot. Did I remember to send you the link on bonding tips?
I have been searching for over an hour(at work too!) for a link that was just posted a few days ago by MonicaMC on building trust!
I will search again a bit later.
Instead of holding the treat and waiting for him to eat it, place the treat/food inside his cage, then back off far enough that he feels comfortable enough to come down and eat. Don't move any closer.

Repeat this several times. Then try a step or two closer. Repeat. Rio will let you know how close is comfortable and you shouldn't be any closer than that if you don't need to be.

Over time, he'll become comfortable enough that you may be able to start feeding him through the cage bars, then eventually by hand! Just don't rush it!
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Thanks for the advise so far!
Yes Terry, you did send over the link, Im going to go and buy a clicker in a bit and give that a go.
My computer is near Rios cage, and i do lots on the computer so he always sees me. Everyone in the house talks to him, which he seems to like.
Ive got 2 small dogs and when Rio is clinging on the side for his cage he will let Bella(on of the dogs) Lick his feet and seems really relaxed with that, hopefully they will become friends.
Off to read the the link youve just posted Flboy, Thank you for that, Hope you didnt get caught looking at it at work!lol
Dogs are a big red flag, I would avoid fostering a friendship!
The dog living here, killed my first fid, Tango! Right in front of me! A nightmare that still haunts me! It took me over two years to bring another bird into my house, and that was a surprise gift! Left me with panic attacks for a week, until I rationalized it out!
So happy for the new birdie!

The advice you have received is great. I would add don't allow any dog saliva on your new birdie. it can make him/her very sick.
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Wow thanks for the warning!! I thought it looked cute with them being able to touch each other(through the bars)
Sorry to hear about you bird being killed, must of been awful to see:(
I'll make sure i keep them apart x

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