advice please?


New member
Sep 13, 2013
We have had our Ekkie for about 2 weeks now. Before coming to us he was fed seed and colored pellets. I am trying to introduce him to fresh foods and it hasn't been easy. I ordered him Harrissons pellets but they have not come in yet, he however is taking to the quinoa and bean mix I am cooking for him, fruits and veggies he seems to be getting a tad more comfortable with but he's still not digging in like I was I tried red pomegranate and it freaks him out..he's actually running from it..:( I was so hoping he would love it.

Also, this morning he seemed to have what looks like saliva when he opens his this normal?
Have you taken him to a avian vet yet? IF not, I would take him in. Never seen saliva like stuff in my ekkie's mouth, how old is he???

For me personally I would stay away from ALL pellets for ekkies and really try to convert him to all fruits and veggies diet and feed other sorts of stuffs as well. If you try to act like your eating them, sometimes that does help! Is he friendly? Try holding him on your hands when you offer him new food.

Please do visit this site! Eclectus Parrots
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Ok, so the saliva type stuff I saw was mashed I guess he tried some when I wasn't looking. I have been chopping stuff and he acted like he didn't know what to do with it so I started to mash it in hopes he would try some..he is slowly but surely coming around. but just to be safe I have a call in to the vet. He will be a year old on the 30th. He is extremely friendly..he loves the whole family and we love him..I'm completely smitten!!
It will just take him time to adjust! My pair goes CRAZY when they see pomegranate....IF you see something that they like to eat, add new things along with that item, they will eventually try it. IF they throw it far out away from the cage, it really means that they hated it....Those are the stuffs we don't give
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Thanks so much!! I'm new at this, but I want the best for him. He has the cutest personality..I adore him..Could you tell me what they mean by sprouts? I heard it was big part of their diet, but I'm not quite sure what kind of sprouts to get?

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