Advice please on what kind of parrot if any 😔


New member
Jul 14, 2024
Rose breasted, make eclectus and female eclectus but all have passed 😔
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. Love all the info and pics.
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Welcome and be welcomed. Honestly, you say you have been through 2 ekkies, a rosie to a golden conure to a mini macaw to a pionus to a small conure. 7 parrots, none of which apparently survived, you have dogs AND a cat, and I assume your not a spring chicken, with 6 and 8 yr old grandchildren. And you are disabled. I put it to you that perhaps this is not the time or place to adopt another parrot.
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. Love all the info and pics. I have been considering a parrot. I use to have 2 eclectus, a male and female in separate cages..My name was about 32 when he passed, female 15 and both got aggressive and Plucked. I worked 3/4 of that time 😔. I do not work now because of a disability. I then got a rosie. I'm not sore what sex but I think male. He was only 3 and started eating a hole in his chest. I had him looked at by a avian vet. We ran all kinds of test and x-rays. We couldn't find anything wrong. I know now i shouldn't have gotten a male and female because they would want to mate and maybe that's why they got aggressive and plucked. I've heard they have a big rate of plucking. My rosie was sweet but didn't have it long. I have no parrots
Now and kinda want one again. My worries are high maintenence, bitting, and screaming. I went from a rosie to a golden conure to a mini macaw to a pionus to a small conure. I talked to a few breeders and I'm now confused because they push the parrots they have. I just don't want to make a mistake. I have several dogs and a cat so I need to just attending to them and shouldn't add more but really want 1. My issue with small parrots is my cat. If like something that isn't as needy and doesn't require fresh food for every meal 3x a day. I also have 2 grandchildren 6 and 8 that are so gentle with pets. Can someone help me figure this out please. I really need advise... friendly honest advice. Thanks in advance.
Hi after reading through your messages, I am wondering aloud, if a pair of cockatiels is something you have considered.
Hi, I'm sorry didn't realize I made it sound that way. I got 2 eclectus when I was young. My male lived to be around 32. The female got sick and died when she was actually around 24 to 25. While I had these 2 I got a rosie. He was around 3 when he did what he did. When i had the eclectus I went through a divorce and a move. I only had the 2 eclectus at that time. I worked but now I do not. I'm disabled but not like in a wheel chair or anything. I take care of my dogs like they are human children. The list I wrote, golden conure, rosie, mini macaw, pionus to small conure are the parrots I'm considering. I am 55 years old so no not a spring chicken but I don't think too old to get a parrot. I didn't realize I made it sound like I had 7 parrots. I have no idea what those parrots are like except my short time with my Jasper, the rosie 😢. My eclectus each had their own cage and I fed them fresh fruits and veggies, sprouted seeds and roudy busch pellets. Someone told me they probably wanted to mate. I don't know why the breeder recommend I get both of them is it wasn't a good idea. I hope this clears things up.
Hi, would you mind telling me what kind of parrot is your Rosie?
Hi there, welcome!

So I want to forewarn you I’m a huge parrot advocate. I always think of the parrot before their owners as mean as that sounds. I’m not mean I just try to protect the innocent.

Since you’ve had parrots in the past. If you are looking at getting a large parrot maybe look at adopting. Getting a baby macaw (not saying this would be your choice it’s just an example) if you are mid-late aged it does complicate things as that parrot will more than likely out live you. I don’t know about you but if anything ever happened to me I don’t have a single person in my family that would, or could take on my larger picky parrot (who is an Ekkie).

I have 2 conures. A sun & jenday. They are loud, and I have nick named them my mini macaws because their behaviors are so similar. They are very playful, and friendly to who they consider to be their flock. They dive at people who aren’t their flock, and can be cage aggressive (especially in spring). The bad thing to them is they can be snippy, and they are as stated above very vocal. I can’t exaggerate enough how vocal my sun can be. Apartment life more than likely won’t work out for a jenday, or sun conure.

Thank you for sharing the age of your male Ekkie. My Ekkie is by far my best friend. He goes everywhere with me. I’m petrified over losing him as I know he’s 19 years old, and I’ve heard horror stories about Ekkie’s passing away at a young age in captivity. My Ekkie is truly my heart & soul.
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site. Love all the info and pics. I have been considering a parrot. I use to have 2 eclectus, a male and female in separate cages..My name was about 32 when he passed, female 15 and both got aggressive and Plucked. I worked 3/4 of that time 😔. I do not work now because of a disability. I then got a rosie. I'm not sore what sex but I think male. He was only 3 and started eating a hole in his chest. I had him looked at by a avian vet. We ran all kinds of test and x-rays. We couldn't find anything wrong. I know now i shouldn't have gotten a male and female because they would want to mate and maybe that's why they got aggressive and plucked. I've heard they have a big rate of plucking. My rosie was sweet but didn't have it long. I have no parrots
Now and kinda want one again. My worries are high maintenence, bitting, and screaming. I went from a rosie to a golden conure to a mini macaw to a pionus to a small conure. I talked to a few breeders and I'm now confused because they push the parrots they have. I just don't want to make a mistake. I have several dogs and a cat so I need to just attending to them and shouldn't add more but really want 1. My issue with small parrots is my cat. If like something that isn't as needy and doesn't require fresh food for every meal 3x a day. I also have 2 grandchildren 6 and 8 that are so gentle with pets. Can someone help me figure this out please. I really need advise... friendly honest advice. Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum! :) If you have a cat, I would definitely rethink adding a bird to your home. Even if the cat is well mannered, at some point instinct will probably take over, and things won’t end well. Bird need to feel safe, if they have a natural predator around them daily, I think the bird’s emotional well being will suffer. Based on your listed concerns of screaming and biting, that rules out parrots in general. A budgie, finch or cockatiel might be the best options for you. You also need to consider how much you want to interact with your new pet, and how much dust, and mess you’re willing to tolerate. Cockatiels are dusty, so that might be a deterrent for you. With a cat, I wouldn’t get a bird. But if you choose to do so, I’d say get two male budgies with a large flight cage. Add lots of perches, and toys. Keep them in a pleasant well lit room designated for them…keep the cat out. Spend time with them as much as you can. Because you have two, they should be content without human involvement.
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Hi there, welcome!

So I want to forewarn you I’m a huge parrot advocate. I always think of the parrot before their owners as mean as that sounds. I’m not mean I just try to protect the innocent.

Since you’ve had parrots in the past. If you are looking at getting a large parrot maybe look at adopting. Getting a baby macaw (not saying this would be your choice it’s just an example) if you are mid-late aged it does complicate things as that parrot will more than likely out live you. I don’t know about you but if anything ever happened to me I don’t have a single person in my family that would, or could take on my larger picky parrot (who is an Ekkie).

I have 2 conures. A sun & jenday. They are loud, and I have nick named them my mini macaws because their behaviors are so similar. They are very playful, and friendly to who they consider to be their flock. They dive at people who aren’t their flock, and can be cage aggressive (especially in spring). The bad thing to them is they can be snippy, and they are as stated above very vocal. I can’t exaggerate enough how vocal my sun can be. Apartment life more than likely won’t work out for a jenday, or sun conure.

Thank you for sharing the age of your male Ekkie. My Ekkie is by far my best friend. He goes everywhere with me. I’m petrified over losing him as I know he’s 19 years old, and I’ve heard horror stories about Ekkie’s passing away at a young age in captivity. My Ekkie is truly my heart & soul.
Hi, love the pic of your eclectus. My male was about 32 when he passed. His name was a Tucker and at first he was very sweet but then got aggressive. So yours is very friendly and have you had n him since he was a baby? Do you take him everywhere with you? Does he ever get nippy? I wanted to know if I could ask your advice without judgment? I purchased a male Rose Breasted that's 5 months old. He is sweet but just feel like maybe i made a mistake. I really like him but just thinking maybe i shouldn't have done this because of financial reasons. I paid $4500 for him, $800 for a&e 38x28 cage, $499 for large Java tree Playstand, $100 back pack carrier, $100 prevue travel carrier good, $350 toys. If I wanted to sell him could you help me? His name is Opie. I'm not 100% sure I want to do this but really shouldn't have spent the only money I had saved up. So just curious what your thoughts are and if you think I could get most of my money back? Again not sore what to do because i do like him. I think I'm having anxiety because I'm afraid he will start bitting like my others did. Thanks
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