Advice on behaviour


New member
Sep 11, 2013
I am looking for any advice/insight people might have regarding my Grey named Mission. He has become much needier in the last few months. He came to us from a co-worker of mine about 5 years ago, and at that time he was about 8 years old. He has a companion bird, a sun conure, and they spend most of their time outside of their cage and on a large stand. He has a varied diet, with seed, fresh fruit, and is a little noisy about getting a taste of whatever we are eating.

From the beginning, Mission generally only vocalizes when he is separated from us, or when he is unhappy. There has always been a sort of escalating set of noises, from gentle sort of hoots to shrill piercing whistles, if he is not getting what he wants. When he wants to be moved, he will 'duck and flutter'. Lately , though, nothing seems to satisfy him. In the past, sitting on the back of the couch was close enough for him to settle into a contented state, but not lately. He will start to vocalize within seconds of being left alone. He seems to need to be as physically close to me as possible.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Unfortunatelay it sounds as though he has learned that eventually he wil get what he wants if he is loud enough. Are your birds in the "room" where most of the family activity is? I know it is hard but maybe you should just ignore it~
I'd have to agree, but I also think a vet visit might be worth it. If he's feeling particularly distressed or anxious with you leaving, he might not be feeling 'well'. So maybe worth having a checkup to rule that out?

Might just be a case of him learning that calling for cuddles, gets the cuddles, in which case the calling needs to get no response until he learns that you are not literally there for every beck and call.

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