Advice needed


New member
Jun 21, 2015
Hi All, I am new to the forum.

I've just purchased a proven pair of Yellow crowned Amazons earlier this week, as I am now getting into breeding birds. my problem is, I have put them in to a new cage but they are very quiet and seem not to move of the perch unless they want some food, they look in good health, is this normal. the cage is in a spare room, the cage is own made but the wire gaps are 2" square, could this be an issue.
Everything sound normal. Yes 2" wire is too large for YCA. 1" x 1" would be better. Amazon take awhile to adapt to new surroundings. Breeder zons even longer. just moving the cage of my breeders might set them off for a year. It would have been best if you could have kept them in their old cage and set it up in a similar surroundings. it will take awhile before they are comfortable in their new home to attempt breeding. I hope you don't have a nest box up yet. I'd hold off on that until you see signs of mating. get their new cage set up and located somewhere , give them some space. If your serious about breeding zons ,get a good mentor. that will save you years of learning the hardway. Oh grasshopper,, you have much to learn...
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Hi Henpecked,

Thank you for your advice, I will get the cage modified, but for now I will just leave them to settle down.
BTW, before investing any more time and money,, i'd get them lapriscopically examined . I've bought several "proven" pairs before that turned out to be burned out or even same sex. Goggle "Scott mcDonald " he's the best(and cheapest) when checking out breeder pairs. he'll be able to tell if they're worth the effort.

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