adopting an amazon in the future?


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Oct 3, 2021
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this all came up as i was searching for adoptable birds on a site like craigslist and came across many birds who i would, given the opportunity drop everything to go and get them out of their current situation.

now bear with me lol

hypothetically (im a big hypotheticals person lol) if the opportunity arose to adopt either a hot three amazon or a female eclectus what would you choose?

assuming that both birds are on bad diets, are somewhat aggressive/ caged for years, and past 2-3 years of age
for someone who doesn't mind not physically interacting with the bird but simply wants them out of a bad situation, that's how i would decide- i would choose the one who i could help the most even with a fear that they could scream all day and bite as often as they can, simply with the hope of providing a little more comfort to their lives.

no judgement for the weird post please lol (im just so curious to know what you all think!)
Unless you know the proper diet and are willing to provide such a diet everyday for ever, I would avoid female or Male Eclectus. Wonderful parrots, but really need their proper diet.

The Hot Three Amazons have that title for a reason and you must be willing to learn their Language! The basics are provided in the Amazon Form as one of the Threads at the Very top of the Amazon Forum.

They can be real Sweet Hearts and moments later be crewing on your fingers. Read the I Love Amazons Thread near the Top of the Amazon Forum.

Please Allow which ever Parrot to Choose You! They are much better at it than Humans!!
Unless you know the proper diet and are willing to provide such a diet everyday for ever, I would avoid female or Male Eclectus. Wonderful parrots, but really need their proper diet.

The Hot Three Amazons have that title for a reason and you must be willing to learn their Language! The basics are provided in the Amazon Form as one of the Threads at the Very top of the Amazon Forum.

They can be real Sweet Hearts and moments later be crewing on your fingers. Read the I Love Amazons Thread near the Top of the Amazon Forum.

Please Allow which ever Parrot to Choose You! They are much better at it than Humans!!
haha absolutely, like i said this is hypothetical! i wouldnt really put myself in such a difficult position.
i know tons of book facts about these birds, not many in person experiences but ive got the booksmarts lol.

great advice though thank you!

i wouldn't get a hot three amazon unless i was literally a zookeeper - im not into facial pairings lol!!!
Ahhh, don't sell the right one that happens to be one of the "hot 3" short. They're all different. My previous BFA was admittedly kind of a horn dog during hormonal seasons, but never aggressive. He was never entirely hand friendly anyway, but we understood his boundaries, so bites were extremely rare. My YNA... Sweetest, snuggliest girl ever, all the time, but only for me as her chosen human. My ekkie, well, he's just amazing. Friendly and will go to pretty much anyone, and I trust him 100% that I'm not going to get a bite at all, or certainly not enough to be painful or break skin. He's far too polite and would just push your hand away or maybe growl if he doesn't want you there. As mentioned above, meeting in person and allowing them to choose you goes a long way in a future successful relationship. They truly are better at it than we are, because they see us on an entirely different level.
Ahhh, don't sell the right one that happens to be one of the "hot 3" short. They're all different. My previous BFA was admittedly kind of a horn dog during hormonal seasons, but never aggressive. He was never entirely hand friendly anyway, but we understood his boundaries, so bites were extremely rare. My YNA... Sweetest, snuggliest girl ever, all the time, but only for me as her chosen human. My ekkie, well, he's just amazing. Friendly and will go to pretty much anyone, and I trust him 100% that I'm not going to get a bite at all, or certainly not enough to be painful or break skin. He's far too polite and would just push your hand away or maybe growl if he doesn't want you there. As mentioned above, meeting in person and allowing them to choose you goes a long way in a future successful relationship. They truly are better at it than we are, because they see us on an entirely different level.
wise words! thats definitely the way to go saxguy
wise words! thats definitely the way to go saxguy
Thank you! I've been through it a few times over the years, and been blessed with being chosen 3 times now, something I honestly didn't understand until it actually happened. My first ekkie boy, Patches taught me that. First meeting with him, I just assumed he was like that with everyone. Not so much, as another potential adoptor met him after me, and got bloodied quickly. He learned the sound of my truck when I came to visit, and got very excited when he heard me arrive at the refuge. Also figured out that I came to see him every Saturday, and would jump in his water bowl for a bath before I got there. :)
I’m having my very first experiences with a “hot 3” (yellow nape) versus another, more docile amazon species (orange wing), and Sailboat is right about them turning on a dime - but you can kind of see it happening as the little wheels in their heads turn. At least, so far I’ve been able to keep my limbs out of his beak.

If you decide to bring home a parrot it is much easier if you let them pick you, as others have said. If they start off from a place where they are comfortable with you, it will make the many lifestyle changes you are talking about working through with them much easier.

However, even if they love you, it’s going to likely be a huge expense on your end and a lot of work, emotionally and otherwise. If they’ve been eating nothing but cheap seed mixes and not getting proper exercise they’re probably overweight & have liver issues. This means daily medications, weighing and overhauling their diet, which doesn’t happen overnight. Avian vet visits are a lot more than what you’d expect for a cat or dog, and in health-compromised birds tend to be more frequent.
this all came up as i was searching for adoptable birds on a site like craigslist and came across many birds who i would, given the opportunity drop everything to go and get them out of their current situation.

now bear with me lol

hypothetically (im a big hypotheticals person lol) if the opportunity arose to adopt either a hot three amazon or a female eclectus what would you choose?

assuming that both birds are on bad diets, are somewhat aggressive/ caged for years, and past 2-3 years of age
for someone who doesn't mind not physically interacting with the bird but simply wants them out of a bad situation, that's how i would decide- i would choose the one who i could help the most even with a fear that they could scream all day and bite as often as they can, simply with the hope of providing a little more comfort to their lives.

no judgement for the weird post please lol (im just so curious to know what you all think!)
Wonderful that you are considering a " second hand " re home, rescue how ever you want to say it!

Because of ekkie diets, I myself don't want to fuss that much. So I vote Amazon hot or not. But it's up to you if it is a hassle. I feed tons of fresh stuff daily, so msybe it wouldn't be that bad.

I've experienced the blessed choosing 3 times. And 3 times I've taken on parrots without ever having met, or just saw screaming and lunging and had to save . All have become equally loving and bonded.

It certainly is a plus if they express interest in you.

If you've read up, have patience and tolerance, and tge funds. Jump in!!! Find and buy your large cage, lots of great used ones if you search and take time. Get your toys and different perches. I also recommend a digital kitchen scale, and a radiant heat panel. I use sweeter heater as found on Amazon, smallest size more than enough. Radiant heat is critical fir sick birds, is great for chilly weather, and here in Florida mine enjoy sitting by after a bath. I think tgey run around 100 bucks. K&H makes a snuggle up warmer for about 35 bucks but I haven't used this kind.

Then you are ready for when you find one in need..
Thank you! I've been through it a few times over the years, and been blessed with being chosen 3 times now, something I honestly didn't understand until it actually happened. My first ekkie boy, Patches taught me that. First meeting with him, I just assumed he was like that with everyone. Not so much, as another potential adoptor met him after me, and got bloodied quickly. He learned the sound of my truck when I came to visit, and got very excited when he heard me arrive at the refuge. Also figured out that I came to see him every Saturday, and would jump in his water bowl for a bath before I got there. :)
aww thats so sweet that he wanted to be all prettied up for you haha
I’m having my very first experiences with a “hot 3” (yellow nape) versus another, more docile amazon species (orange wing), and Sailboat is right about them turning on a dime - but you can kind of see it happening as the little wheels in their heads turn. At least, so far I’ve been able to keep my limbs out of his beak.

If you decide to bring home a parrot it is much easier if you let them pick you, as others have said. If they start off from a place where they are comfortable with you, it will make the many lifestyle changes you are talking about working through with them much easier.

However, even if they love you, it’s going to likely be a huge expense on your end and a lot of work, emotionally and otherwise. If they’ve been eating nothing but cheap seed mixes and not getting proper exercise they’re probably overweight & have liver issues. This means daily medications, weighing and overhauling their diet, which doesn’t happen overnight. Avian vet visits are a lot more than what you’d expect for a cat or dog, and in health-compromised birds tend to be more frequent.
for sure!, i got a neglected bird there'd be no expectation that they'd be happy to just go along with it lol idc if they even let me near them- just giving a hurting bird somewhere warm and safe it the goal really :)
Wonderful that you are considering a " second hand " re home, rescue how ever you want to say it!

Because of ekkie diets, I myself don't want to fuss that much. So I vote Amazon hot or not. But it's up to you if it is a hassle. I feed tons of fresh stuff daily, so msybe it wouldn't be that bad.

I've experienced the blessed choosing 3 times. And 3 times I've taken on parrots without ever having met, or just saw screaming and lunging and had to save . All have become equally loving and bonded.

It certainly is a plus if they express interest in you.

If you've read up, have patience and tolerance, and tge funds. Jump in!!! Find and buy your large cage, lots of great used ones if you search and take time. Get your toys and different perches. I also recommend a digital kitchen scale, and a radiant heat panel. I use sweeter heater as found on Amazon, smallest size more than enough. Radiant heat is critical fir sick birds, is great for chilly weather, and here in Florida mine enjoy sitting by after a bath. I think tgey run around 100 bucks. K&H makes a snuggle up warmer for about 35 bucks but I haven't used this kind.

Then you are ready for when you find one in need..
oh trust me id read up! no matter the bird id be staying up all night researching just because i love learning about them!
thanks for the suggestion of a heat panel- ive got a pet heat mat from when i raised baby chickens and is safe to leave on 24/7 safely and came with a fuzzy cover too.
fuzzy and parrots not a good idea. The little fuzz, threads build up in crop leading to crop impaction over time.
fuzzy and parrots not a good idea. The little fuzz, threads build up in crop leading to crop impaction over time.
even with my chickens i had it entirely covered in newspaper, the polar fleece cover just adds a little cushioning - perhaps preferable for a sore joined bird.

sorry that i worried you!

ps. the cover is removeable too so i would be able to change it around to see what works best :)
as another hypothetical for you guys, how do we feel about galah cockatoos (rb2s?) as rescues or first time birds- this species is in abundance here and while i know that they are loud and can be mean- does anyone have experience with a rescued galah?

i know this isnt the right forum for this too btw, just figured i would continue the thread 🤷‍♀️

oh and eclectus diet wise- i know as much as i think i can know (open to learning still just ive read nearly every thread about it!) i have to feed my current pets fresh veggies everyday anyways- with at least 8 different vegetable varieties each day, and they only get their pellets when i remember them haha

so would you say that if:
1. i got the biggest possible cage i could afford
2. maintain my current fresh feeding habits lol
3. spent over 5 hours a day morning and night with them
4 and did not expect even the slightest kindness from them
5. and put funds towards getting an outdoor aviary!

that i may be able to give a miserable looking bird be it amazon, eclectus, or galah a comfortable safe home?

tell me all you know! :ROFLMAO:
sorry im a rambler
thanks in advance!

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