Adopted BC Conure terrified of toys help!!


New member
Jul 12, 2014
So a little background here. I acquired Fawkes (originally Polly) from a woman who's health has left her bed ridden for the past seven years and has had him for 9 years. He has been greatly neglected since her health declined and her family didn't care to tend to him. I came along and she found out I had been wanting a bird since my divorce and my GCC going with my ex husband and decided it was time to find a better home for him. He is 14 years old fully flighted and at this point slightly wild because he was allowed for the past seven years to just roam the house. I was horrified to find that they were feeding him cheap cockatiel food and am trying to switch him over to a pellet diet and fresh fruits and vegis but I haven't found one he likes yet. Even worse his beak has grown down into a sharp point almost a half inch longer than it should. This is where it gets sad. He didn't have a single toy or anything to chew on to help keep his beak in check. I asked why he had no toys and was told because he used to destroy them so they didn't feel like spending money to have them destroyed. Now I work nights as a nurse an can't have him roaming around wherever while I'm not here so he is having to deal with stress of learning to live in the cage. It breaks my heart but his safety comes first. I'm working on trust and spendin time letting him get to know me since he hasn't had a lot of human love in years and he is starved for it but wow that beak hurts that's priority one! So here I come thinking gosh I know you must be bored and get toys and started introducing them slowly I thought. But no dice they all absolutely terrify him! He is freaking out over them! Has anyone ever had anything like this before? I want his cage to be a safe happy spot but this is not even close to exhibiting a feeling of being safe! Any ideas on how to introduce toys in a less stressful way for a bird who seems to have forgot that toys are actually fun :( I want Fawkes to become that happy loved bird that he deserves and don't want anything to ruin what I've started with so far.


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Don't put the toys in his cage right away. Put them where he can see them, but they are far enough away that he doesn't seem stressed by them. Then, every day, move them just a little bit closer and closer. Then you can hang them on the outside of the cage, and finally move them into the cage.

If he doesn't know how to play with the toys, you might have to teach him. Let him see you playing with them and finding them fun / not scary.
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For now I had them all out and had laid one beside the cage. I'll try moving it away and going slowly. Any tips on how to teach him to play with them once he gets used to them?
Don't put the toys in his cage right away. Put them where he can see them, but they are far enough away that he doesn't seem stressed by them. Then, every day, move them just a little bit closer and closer. Then you can hang them on the outside of the cage, and finally move them into the cage.

If he doesn't know how to play with the toys, you might have to teach him. Let him see you playing with them and finding them fun / not scary.

Exactly, play with them, and him on your lap. Then just set him down. Let him see that they are not going to try and eat him.

And start with small foot toys, and work your way up from there.
Play with it together. Wrestle and tug on the toy pieces and act like you are having the BEST TIME EVER until he wants to know what the heck all the fuss is about. Once he gets curious in what you're doing, try to offer him the toy to bite at. Play a little tug of war, talk excitedly, etc.

It can help sometimes, too, to get toys that are smaller than what are intended for him. Small toys are less scary. I think a lot of more timid birds like shredded paper toys. My GCC isn't the most daring of personalities, but she loooooves chinese finger traps stuffed with [ame=""]this stuff[/ame]. Or if I take the shredded paper and weave it through the bars.

Once you get him playing with ANY toys, it should be easier for him to have fun playing with others.
I wonder if it would be worth taking him to a vet to have his beak trimmed with a dremel? I know that's a stressful procedure, but given how long and out of proportion it's grown he would feel the benefit of it right away- it will be easier to eat and to chew on things (and less painful for you!)
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Monday I plan on calling a avian vet to get him checked over since he has been neglected for so long and to have his beak trimmed it is definitely too long from only having dowel rods and nothing to keep his beak ground down enough. I hate to put him through it but I think it will be best. He has basically become wild from being allowed to just do as he pleases so we are having to work on the step up command. Progress was made as I found he absolutely loves grapes I get half and he gets half :) but actual cuddlely interactions are non existent right now. He is very interested in my going ons through the day but when he isn't checking me out he just reverts to going in circles upside down on his cage and trying to destroy it. But he won't actually come out of the cage. Just giving him time already I adore him and so glad I will get to spoil him for the rest of his life! Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone!
Hi and welcome to the forum. I'm so glad Fawkes found you and has a chance at a better life. I would definitely have his beak trimmed by the vet, you'll both feel better after the visit. Poor little guy, I'm sure everything will be a bit confusing for him for a while but he'll soon realize how comfortable it is to have all his needs met. Parrots are highly intelligent, they seem to understand when someone is trying to help them.

You've already received some excellent tips on teaching a reluctant parrot to play with toys. All I can add is, My Safe Bird Store is a fantastic place to find a wide range of toys, but be careful or you'll find you can't stop ordering.

If Fawkes is reluctant to leave his cage, a perch attached to the outside near the door will give him a safe place to perch while he thinks things over.

Have fun with your new friend and let us know how the vet visit goes.
When I got Buddy his beak was overgrown. Very similar loving situation as Fawkes. I found an edible perch at Petco and mounted it in his cage and he went to town. It helped significantly with his beak. He's on his second now. That's what worked for us when he first came to our home while we built a relationship. Now as for the cage situation, I don't have a recommendation for that but wanted to share the perch info with you. Good Luck!
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Hey sorry I haven't updated. He has gotten interested in the plain shreddable toy I got him and it adorable. We have an appointment with the veterinarian to have him examined and make sure he is in good health and to have his beak wings and nails trimmed. I will let everyone know how it goes and what the vet says!
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Small update. Because it was absolutely adorable and made my heart soar today. I came home from work this morning and came into my room to greet Fawkes and he was swinging upside down on the ladder toy I bought him! It was so cute to see him becoming braver and braver. He has begun to accept scratches on his head, beak and belly happily and even asks for them and giving kisses before I leave for work! So Fawkes is becoming a happy bird. But he doesn't like being in the cage so Wednesday can't get here fast enough. But I wanted to let everyone know he is doing very well and beginning to adjust and thank you everyone for your kind suggestions and thoughts!
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I wanted a picture so bad but by the time I could fumble my phone out if my pocket he had come over to the side of the cage to greet me. But I am sure I will get a picture of it soon!!

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