Adding a second bird concerns...


New member
Apr 10, 2012
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North Pole, Alaska
Kawie, 16 year old Congo African Grey
I will try to keep this short as I can be long winded. I just want to hear others experiences with adding a second parrot....

I have a 16 y/o male adopted grey (never owned a parrot prior) that I have had since April, who is cage bound, allows touches of beak only, does not step up unless off the cage. However, he is a true joy to have and I will be continuing to work with him and would be devastated if he broke the bond we DO have.

That being said I want to get a second parrot. I want one that is either a baby that I can raise to be very handleable or an adoption of the same. I would cage them seperately that much I know. I would NOT want it to cause my relationship with my grey to deteriorate though. If the new parrot were to be bonded and always want to be with me, I am afraid that it would cause Kawie to regress. I am hoping that it would actually help Kawie overcome his fear of being held etc if he saw another bird being held. Any thoughts from anyone who has done this?

Thanks, wolf
I actually have that same question. I originally had a GCC and we had a good bond. After I got my CAG, my GCC seemed to get jealous and almost mad at me. He would not want to sit on my shoulder anymore and would attack my finger with a squeal/growl when I tried to get him to step up. He had never done that before to me. I assumed it was because he was jealous. He got a little better over time but we never had the bond we used to have.

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