Adding a Amazon to my flock, couple questions...???


New member
Nov 4, 2012
Congo African Grey, Chance
I adopted my CAG Chance back in October. He was rescued from a lady that had him and a female in a L shaped breeding box with no perches or any way for lights to get in. He was in horrible condition with a very bad sisor beak a dislocated toe and many feathers missing. He also has a import leg band, so we have no idea how old he is.
Anyways he is slowly settling into our home. All of his feathers are growing back and he is slowing becoming comfortable with us, very slowly! We are know where near holding him and can barely feed him out of our hands. But he is spoiled rotten, he has a huge cage, tons of toys, even a heated perch.

We are possible getting a surrender amazon from the rescue I got Chance from. His names Danny, an older lady that is sick and cant care for him anymore has had him since he was a baby and he is 18 now. He is very sweet, loves attention and can talk!
My questions are how would I introduce the two birds? I would never cage them together, but if possible i would love for them to play together, he got along with the other birds at the rescue.
Also can having a bird around that is tame and love human attention teach him that people are ok? Possible speed his process up a little bit?
Also what can I do to help Danny get through his grieving process? Im sure him and his lady are very bonded.

Thanks so much everyone :) :green::grey:
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Update:::: I just talked to the owner of Danny ( i am going to be picking him up from her instead of him going to the rescue then me driving 4 hours to get him)
She is super excited about me coming to meet him ( I can only take him if she likes me). She said he is a great bird. Kinda nippy to stranger as he was abused by someone she had watch him once when she was away. And he LOVES to talk to other birds!
Im kinda worrie because she said in 'breeding season' he gets a bitty and will try to make a nest and call for females. Is there anything that can be done about that?

Ohh and hes only 14 years old not 18.

Ohh and he is a Yellow Crowned amazon!
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There are no guarantees they will get along....hopefully they will tolerate each other and not try to fight.. I have seven birds.. 5 have know each other for approx 16 yrs..(4 macaws , 2 amazons and 1 CAG) ... They don't interact with one another by there own choosing as the cages are in he same room and close enough that while on the playtop they can hop over.. But they choose not to...

One exception..Max my oldest GW.. He rules the roost..every now and then he will walk on all the cages (..just because he can) and none of the birds will even acknowledge him.. Except the CAG she is feisty and max usually backs down.

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